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I find that if I use MIDIReceive() to trigger MyMIDIReadProc(), the *srcConnRefCon would be correct value!
// in viewDidLoad
unsigned long sourceCount = MIDIGetNumberOfSources(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i) { MIDIEndpointRef src = "">
MIDIUniqueID sourceUniqueID = NULL;
MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(src, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &sourceUniqueID);
NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"sourceUniqueID %u",(int)sourceUniqueID]; MIDIPortConnectSource(inPort, src,(__bridge_retained void*)s);
// in any IBAction of ViewController.m
Byte buffer[1024]; MIDIPacketList *packetlist = (MIDIPacketList*)buffer; MIDIPacket *currentpacket = MIDIPacketListInit(packetlist); Byte msgs[3] = {0x90, 40, 100}; currentpacket = MIDIPacketListAdd(packetlist, sizeof(buffer),currentpacket, 0, 3, msgs);
MIDIReceived(self.sourcePoint, packetlist);
void MyMIDIReadProc(const MIDIPacketList *pktlist, void *refCon,void *srcConnRefCon) {
NSString *str = (__bridge NSString*)srcConnRefCon; NSLog(@"receive Str is %@",str);
// NSLogs result: 1. trigger from MIDIReceived() in IBAction. it logs “receive Str is 3762660402” 2. trigger from other app or MIDI device, it logs “receive Str is (null)”
is there any one know the reason?
Thank Tin
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your answer.
in fact the MyMIDIPreadProc() can fire successfully. but the trouble is it can not get correct incoming parameter value“void *srcConnRefCon”.
I put more codes here:
// in viewDidLoad:
unsigned long sourceCount = MIDIGetNumberOfSources(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i) { MIDIEndpointRef src = "">MIDIGetSource(i);
MIDIUniqueID sourceUniqueID = NULL;
MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(src, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &sourceUniqueID);
NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"sourceUniqueID %i",sourceUniqueID]; MIDIPortConnectSource(inPort, src,(__bridge_retained void*)s);
// in MyMIDIPreadProc()
void MyMIDIReadProc(const MIDIPacketList *pktlist, void *refCon,void *srcConnRefCon) {
NSString *str = (__bridge NSString*)srcConnRefCon; NSLog(@“ The sourceUniqueID is : %@", str);
for (int i=0; i < pktlist->numPackets; i++) { …..
Then when it receive MIDI notes. it will logs “ The sourceUniqueID is : (null)”
why it logs "(null)” ? I’m using ARC by the way.
Thanks Tin
Hey tin,
still figuring all this stuff too, but from what I understand:
your MyMIDIReadProc will never get fired unless you’ve discovered and connected to a specific MIDI Source:
nSrcs = MIDIGetNumberOfSources(); int yourChosenSource; MIDIEndpointRef src = "">MIDIGetSource (yourChosenSource); MIDIPortConnectSource (inPort, src, NULL);
then your MyMIDIReadProc will fire with incoming MIDI on that specific source..
Hope this helps… Paul.
Hi All,
I want to pass a refCon to identify each MIDI source in MIDIReadProc(). but I don’t know why the srcConnRefCon point always be “null”.
// codes
NSString *str = @“sourceName" MIDIPortConnectSource(inPort, src,(__bridge_retained void*) str);
// use in “ void MyMIDIReadProc(const MIDIPacketList *pktlist, void *refCon,void *srcConnRefCon) "
NSString *receiveStr = (__bridge NSString*)srcConnRefCon; NSLog(@"%@", receiveStr);
Where is wrong ? any help is appreciate.
Thanks Tin