Hey guys,
I’m trying to load my own AudioUnit to my project and into my AUGraph.
The AU should not put into the Plugins folder, I have to register it dynamically.
I read after the change to AudioComponent I have to use AudioComponentRegister to do this but do not get it working.
I have put the .component file into the xCode project and made a AudioComponentDescription to pass to this method which all should be right.
UInt32 theVersion = 0x00010000; AudioComponentDescription theDescription; theDescription.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect; theDescription.componentSubType = ’TEST'; theDescription.componentManufacturer = ’TEAU'; theDescription.componentFlagsMask = 0;
CAComponent comp = AudioComponentRegister(&theDescription, CFSTR(„MYAU: My own AU"), theVersion, MyAUFactory);
And got this in there for the factory function
extern AudioComponentPlugInInterface* MyAUFactory(const AudioComponentDescription *inDesc);
Which all should be like it should be done I think, but I get an error for MyAUFactory Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
Well I expected that, the extern code does not know what I’m talking about. But I can’t just include the component somehow or something, I really have no idea how to load it.
Before AudioComponent there was a function called RegisterComponentFileRef which might have done what I need but that is not available anymore.
which has some information about registering a Component (which my code is mostly from) but how I can get this bundle to be found?
Anyone an idea how to load it? I can’t be the only one with this Problem and Google has no answer to this. Just another question on here how to use this call with no reply - I really hope someone knows about this because its like not documented. Some time ago Apple staff answered here but I got the feeling this isn’t the case anymore.
Thanks a lot
- Benjamin