I'm working on an app that uses MusicPlayer to play a looping MIDI track. However, I've found that in the iOS 9 beta looping no longer seems to work.
I start by creating a very simple AUGraph, with just an AUSampler and a remoteIO node in the graph. Then I create a MusicPlayer, a MusicSequence and a MusicTrack. I set the length of the track to be 4, the loop length to 4 and the number of loops to 0 (infinite looping). I add four midi note messages to this track, all of duration 0.5, with timestamps 0, 1, 2 and 3.
When I start the music player, I hear the first three notes play correctly. However, audio processing stalls before the final note, and calling MusicPlayerGetTime on the music player returns a timestamp just before the last note in the track.
Any idea what I might be doing wrong? The code works as expected (playing an infinite loop) in iOS 8.4