I want tutorials on every part of writing darwin and custom kernels and custom bios. and heres why.
Im gonna build my own custom computers and have my operating system patchable on a screen by screen basis. Ill have several cpus gpus etcetera and I will patch them from bios so that I dont have to shut the computer down to change operating systems and so that I can have one monitor running Darwin one monitor running haiku or freedos or whatever else i include, and one monitor running some linux distro.
I also need a custom version of the X window system so that the GUI windows themselves are rotateable, scalable, and appear to be in 3D because I am going to build 3D monitors and i want to implement my window system before I build the monitors.
I also want access to all of the super old ROM's so I can play old Darwin games on my linux PC and I dont feel like reverse enginneering everything.
I also need tutorials for building digital instruments and connecting them wirelessly via usb. Im sure ill be able to figure it out, but it would be nice to have that info readily available.
so if you want build some custom usb digital guitars and shit and write tutorials on it.
Get creative with the tutorials if you decide to write them and post a lot of them. I already have wireless power and im gonna implement that when i build these computers. ALso I am doing away with motherboards because all data can be transferred wirelessly.
ANd I think that diamonds should be used as oscillators because you know how they show the rainbow? I think that means theyll oscillate at and beyond the frequency of visible light.
And i want to do DSP on a light bulb.
but if that doesnt work dont worry about it because ill design chemicals that do oscillate that fast.
but i need tutorials on developing everything and anything of an operating system including a recording studio and networking frameworks and anti virus.
also data compression and execution
I have a theory to implement that data compression like that one guy i learned aobut. who thought you could run a 10gb file from 8kb.
Its like DNA you just have to know how to extract it.
I swear you can do it but yeah have fun and if you decide to post tutorials post them on everything
have fun