Re: Multiple OS's
Re: Multiple OS's
- Subject: Re: Multiple OS's
- From: email@hidden (Rob Latham)
- Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 00:08:40 -0500
Eduardo I. Jim?nez (email@hidden) said:
Hello again.
I have another question. Is it possible to have Classic, OS X, Darwin
and Linux on the same machine?. I would really like to make some
comparisons among OS's to try to bring the best of them to Darwin.
yep it's possible. you can add netbsd to the mix too. i've done it.
and i'm just about to post the results :>
Rob Latham Allentown, PA USA
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References: | |
| >Multiple OS's (From: "Eduardo I. Jiménez" <email@hidden>) |