Re: Locking and synchronization primitives
Re: Locking and synchronization primitives
- Subject: Re: Locking and synchronization primitives
- From: Wally Crooze <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 16:30:41 +1000
Brian Bergstrand wrote:
Wally Crooze wrote:
> A couple of more things on locking/synchronization primitives...
> How effective are the implementations of funnels and other locking
> mechanisms (e.g. simple_locks) for SMP systems? I noticed that
> simple_lock is defined as either 1 (as funnels are in effect),
> disable_preemption (on Uni-processors) or usimple_lock (on SMP
> systems). I was under the impression that usimple_locks were for
> uni-processor systems... this is confusing.
OS X is always in "SMP" mode, even on UNI machines. This is because
the kernel is always compiled with pre-emption turned on. So simple
locks will act the same as on SMP machines.
I'm not sure I understand this statement. Pre-emption is a mechanism to
allow multi-threading in a non-cooperative mode, I'm not sure how this
effects multi-processors. I would hope that simple_locks and funnels
enforce multi-processor safe locking.
Are you saying that using the interface disable_preemption tells the
other CPU to suspend their processing? Or is usimple_lock mechanism the
correct interface to use?
My problem is not simple. I am attempting to port a filesystem that uses
many locking/synchronisation interfaces which aren't supported by darwin.
I need interfaces which allow to check whether a lock is held and
distinguish which thread is the owner. Also I need to be able to "try"
to obtain a lock, which in the case that it returns if it can't
immediately succeed, with a return value indicating this. In the case of
an rwlock "try" upgrade (i.e. "read_to_write") it would return
immediately, still retaining the read lock, if it couldn't obtain the
write lock.
On this note, I haven't found any interfaces which allow me to timeout
when waiting, as "try" would have a timeout of 0. Any suggestions? Are
these operations not supported for a reason?
I also need the ability to retrieve the "value" of the semaphore.
As part of this I would prefer not to write my own
locking/synchronization primitives from scratch as many of them would
require some "ml" coding. Can all of these be done through Wait Queues?
Anything to prevent me from redoing everything from scratch and driving
me insane would be greatly appreciated.
Also, as my filesystem also communicates via BSD Sockets with other
systems do I need to obtain the Network Funnel or is this done under the
> Also, can the locking and synchronization primitives be nested
> safely?
> i.e.
> simple_lock(lock1)
> simple_lock(lock2)
> simple_unlock(lock2)
> simple_unlock(lock1)
You can, but this kind of code can lead to deadlocks pretty easily.
You have to be careful.
Does the simple_lock mechanisms modify and restore the priority and
interrupts correctly?
> Does simple_locks disable interrupts, etc?
I can't remember if that is done for you, I always disable them
manually when needed.
What interface does this for you?
> Also what interface is equivalent to synch-variables... such as
> sv_init, sv_rmproc?
Can't help you there.
Actually, a synch-variable is just a semaphore initialised to 0.
> I'm also looking for a mechanism that will allow me to attempt to
> upgrade (i.e. read to write) an mrlock, but if it can't get it
> immediately it will return still holding the read (similar to the
> try versions of the other locks).
Have you looked at lock__bsd__ in <sys/lock.h>? It is based around
simple locks and supports read->write upgrades (I think). It may do
what you need.
No, I haven't, I suspect that this is only supported in BSD. The problem
is that since I will have multiple threads, sometimes holding the funnel
and other times not, I need a consistent locking/synchronization method
which will work for both circumstances.
Wally Crooze
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