wil force the kext to load automatically at boot and this without the script holding the kextload instruction ?
IOKit matching can cause it to do so,
but it's not the default behaviour.
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:08:52 -0800
Subject: Re: Kern ext. message "An item in the Startup Items
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; delsp=yes; format=flowed
I don't think it's that simple.
I think you'll find that a lot of third party drivers, especially
authors of kernel extensions that need to participate in the boot
process or driver matching will install their kernel extension in /
In fact, in "I/O Kit Device Driver Design Guidlines" under "Packaging
Drivers for Installation" you'll see a note talking about using
creating a package to install your kernel extension in /System/
I can't find any Apple documentation indicating that third parties
should not install their kernel extensions in /System/Library/
Yes, /System is Apple owned, but I think this is an exception to that
rule. As well Startup Items are deprecated on 10.4. (see <http://
Alain needs to decide where his extensions needs to be installed. I
think if his extension needs to run everytime the machine boots and
he sets up the appropriate matching information
then /System/Library/Extensions is reasonable, but perhaps there is
some other requirement to his extension that I don't know about and
loading from somewhere else makes sense.
Yes, MyKext need to be load every time the computer start.