Hi All,
I am writing application to list all process and opened
files by the process, where I am able to get the process information like Pid,ppid,
path, process commadline arguments etc using sysctl()( followed this link http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1123.html)
I am using the following code to get the file information
about every process.
int mib[3];
struct extern_file *file = NULL ; //
Is it the correct structure ?
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[2] = 1693 ;
size = sizeof(argmax) ;
if (sysctl((int *)mib, 2, &argmax, &size,
NULL, 0) < 0) {
printf("No args found\n");
printf("Error is %s\n", strerror(errno)) ;
printf("size is Given as %d\n",argmax) ; // argmax is giving me the correct values (i.e. count of
all opened files )
size =
(size_t)argmax ;
mib[0] = CTL_KERN; // Here I am
resetting the mib arry for getting per process file information .
mib[1] = KERN_FILE;
mib[2] = 1693 ;//1693 ;//procList[i].kp_proc.p_pid;
file =(extern_file*)
if(file ==
printf("file pointe not allocated yes\n") ;
(sysctl((int *)mib, 3, fileNew, &size, NULL, 0) < 0)
printf("Error in getting file struct %s\n", strerror(errno)) ;
// Print file attributes
I want to list all file descriptors file paths and othet
file attributes , which I am not getting with this program, Getting an error “Not
a directory” during second sysctl call, where as getting the correct file
count after first sysctl() call.
In the man page of sysctl() KERN_FILE will return a
file structure which is not at all documented ( not confirm about the structure
to use ), there is no file structure exposed on Mac OS X (apart from
extern_file and filedesc),
I am not sure which structure to use ? is it possible to get
per process file information using KERN_FILE?
OS version is 10.4.7
Thanks in advance!