SP 800-179
DRAFT Guide to Securing Apple OS X 10.10 Systems for IT Professionals: A NIST Security Configuration Checklist
NIST invites comments on Draft Special Publication 800-179, Guide to Securing Apple OS X 10.10 Systems for IT Professionals: A NIST Security Configuration Checklist. This publication assists IT professionals in securing Apple OS X 10.10 desktop and laptop systems
within various environments. It provides detailed information about the security features of OS X 10.10 and security configuration guidelines. The publication recommends and explains tested, secure settings with the objective of simplifying the administrative
burden of improving the security of OS X 10.10 systems in three types of environments: Standalone, Managed, and Specialized Security-Limited Functionality.
Public comment period ends:
August 15, 2016. Email comments to:
Have A Super Fantastic Day!!
Ekkehard Koch
P.S.: If I can help you in any way business or beyond. Just let me know!
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