I'm getting a hang in getattrlist and wondering if anyone has ideas what might be going on.
basically I'm calling [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] mountedLocalVolumePaths], and converting the paths to FSRefs, but one of my customers got a hang.
Not sure if it's a network volume that might have gone offline. The guy has a timecapsule, so that could be that volume, but that's just a guess.
I've only had one report that I know of, so it's not a popular issue, but this guy seems to get it often.
2312 +[NTVolumeMgr(Private) mountedVolumeSpecsUsingCocoa] 2312 +[NTFileDesc(NTUtilities) descNoResolve:] 2312 -[NTFileDesc initWithPath:] 2312 +[NTFSRefObject refObjectWithPath:resolvePath:] 2312 -[NTFSRefObject initWithPath:resolvePath:] 2312 +[NTFSRefObject(Utilities) createFSRef:fromPath:followSymlink:] 2312 FSPathMakeRefWithOptions 2312 FSPathMakeRefInternal(unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, FSRef*, unsigned char*) 2312 PathGetObjectInfo(char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, short*, unsigned long*, unsigned long*, char*, unsigned long*, unsigned char*) 2312 GetPathVolFSAttributes(char const*, unsigned long, FSAttributeInfo*, unsigned long, unsigned char*) 2312 getattrlist$UNIX2003
-steve |