it's not already there)
then it installs the file (which is part of the copy protections
scheme, so it can't go into the application bundle)
This has always worked fine for customers running OS X 10.2 and 10.3
but starting with OS X 10.4 it fails with the following messages:
"Installing this software will replace the newer version with an
older version."
You are getting this message because the installer thinks you have a
newer version of this package on your system. Do you?
No, the person that installs is a customer that has
not any folder with the name "My Company Name" (replace with the real company name)
The installer logic in this case has to do with the package you are installing. The Installer uses the package name (foo.pkg) to do "upgrade" logic.
If you install foo.pkg and then you install foo.pkg again, it will remove all the items from the first install that is not in the second. Because of this, it also compares the version of the package on disk with the version you are installing.
In the cases you are seeing (or your customers), they must have a package that is either newer or one that shares the same name.
New in Tiger, however (and this may be the problem) we use bundle identifiers for finding receipts of packages for upgrades. If your customers have software installed on disk, who's packages have the same bundle identifier as your software, then you could run into this problem. This sort of situation could be avoided by ensuring you actually set a good bundle identifier.
Additionally, since not all packages have bundle identifiers, our logic also checks the package name, if it cannot find a package that matches the bundle identifier.
If so what
are the version numbers? (CFBundleShortVersionString, IFMajorVersion,
the file that is to be installed is an old CFM shared lib file
that lacks everything such as CFBundleShortVersionString, IFMajorVersion, IFMinorVersion etc
so there is no version information available at all,
this error message is strange
the only thing I can think of is that the owner and permission are wrong
I never changed that which I maybe should have done?
anyway it worked fine until Tiger came around
"You cannot continue. There is nothing to install".
This is a known bug and should soon.
Yes, I meant to say 'This is a known bug and will be fixed in a future update'.