I have another Installer bug that only happens on Intel Macs under 10.4.4. Running the same installer on a PPC Mac does not exhibit this problem.
In short, my installer uses a LaunchServicesLookup token definition to locate our existing install and then adds new files to that location. But the installer (on Intel Macs) insists on always installing the data in the Applications folder. On PPC, it manages to use the result of the LaunchServicesLookup.
IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation is set to "/". Then I use the following path mappings. Notice the use of /../ to back up one directory level. I wonder if that's what's causing Intel install problems. {The Sims 2Path} will typically expand to something like "/Games/The Sims 2.localized/The Sims 2.app". I'm backing up a directory to install stuff next to our app.
<key>IFPkgPathMappings</key> <dict> <key>./Applications/The Sims 2.localized/Body Shop.app</key> <string>{The Sims 2Path}/../Body Shop.app</string> <key>./Applications/The Sims 2.localized/Expansion Packs</key> <string>{The Sims 2Path}/../Expansion Packs</string> <key>./Applications/The Sims 2.localized/Package Installer.app</key> <string>{The Sims 2Path}/../Package Installer.app</string> <key>./Applications/The Sims 2.localized/The Sims 2.app</key> <string>{The Sims 2Path}</string> </dict>