On OSX 10.4.7, using the packagemaker command line interface
I can use it to build a package with –p and –proj options and
installer works.
When using:
./PackageMaker -build -p
"/home/schin/MATLAB_Component_Runtime_cli.pkg" -f
"/sandbox/schin/MyRoot/MACMCR" -ds -r
"/sandbox/schin/Ainstall/matlab/pbr/mcr/mac/Resources" -i
"/home/schin/info5.plist" –v
The installer created ignores the –i options.
The resulting installer package does not use the information in the
Contents/Info.plist which is the same as the file that was created in the .pkg
that was created using the –proj option. The files are the same but
the info isn’t used. The install displays the “My Great App
Installer” instead of the info in Info.plist. I added some more key
values hoping the Info.plist would work but still doesn’t . Why
doesn’t the installer use the info in Info.plist? PackageMaker
creates an Info.plist from the info.plist and changes the size to 489956.
Installer comes up with the background from background.gif in the
Resources directory fine.
Input info.plist
<?xml version="1.0"
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple
Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
Component Runtime</string>
The MathWorks</string>
1994-2006 by The MathWorks, Inc. </string>
Steven Chin
The MathWorks