Hi List,
I'm using PackageMaker to deliver a metapackage and wish to execute shell scripts to write certain keys and values to the defaults system at various stages of the installation. The scripts are executing, however the scripts will not write to the defaults system - here is the postflight script (currently just used for testing) for one of my packages:
#!/bin/sh echo "***Application postflight script***" MYDEFAULTS=`whereis defaults` echo DEFAULTS IS $MYDEFAULTS defaults write com.domain.appnameĀ "installertestkeyPOSTFLIGHT" "installerteststringPOSTFLIGHT" open "$1/Contents/Resources/DemoInstaller.app"
I know PackageMaker is executing the script as DemoInstaller.app is being launched, but the defaults system is not being affected - if I run the script directly from the terminal using ./postflight, the defaults system IS written to. Anybody got any suggestions?