I'm trying to get the .pkg installer's path from Installer Plugin. Let's say my plugin is called Register.bundle and it is kept within MyInstaller.pkg/Contents/Plugins/. I also have a file that I need access to from the plugin and postinstal. The file is stored in MyInstaller.pkg/Contents/Resources/MyFile
From my installer plugin code, I can do
- (void)willEnterPane:(InstallerSectionDirection)dir { : : NSBundle * registerPaneBundle = [[self section] bundle]; NSString * registerBundlePath = [registerPaneBundle bundlePath]; NSRange range = [bundlePath rangeOfString:@"Plugins/Registration.bundle"]; if (range.location != NSNotFound) { NSString * myfilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@Resources/MyFile", [registerBundlePath substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, range.location)]]; : : }
registerBundlePath should be set to /Users/wwibowo/MyInstaller.pkg/Contents/Plugins/Register.bundle, and myFilePath should be set to /Users/wwibowo/MyInstaller.pkg/Contents/Resources/MyFile
This is all good if the installer is located on local drive (boot volume or partition). However if I have the installer on a mounted disk image or on USB key, the installer bundle seems to be moved out of the .pkg file. What I am getting instead is
registerBundlePath = /tmp/com.apple.installerulrZkLhr/Register.bundle range = {NSNotFound, 0}
I know PACKAGE_PATH holds the path to the package, unfortunately it is only available in postinstall. Is there another environment variable, or a way to get the package's path from plugin and postinstall? I wonder if installing from network drive or read-only media (CD, DVD) produce different behavior with regards to the plugin being detached from the installer, and if so, how would I know the installer's path.
Thanks, Wrekso