On Dec 16, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Stephen Greenfield wrote:
As of rebuilding / testing on Snow Leopard, an installer that was perfectly happy “replacing” the previous version of an application doesn’t seem to want to anymore. Even hand-deleting the application that it should install over doesn’t seem to work — no application gets installed.
Are you sure you're not seeing the effects of the "relocation" feature? That is, Installer is replacing/upgrading a copy of the app somewhere other than where you think it should be...?
When I completely “rebuilt” the installer (due to other problems), it now generates a mpkg, whereas before it was a .pkg.mpkg.
Used to be I could just trash the receipts, and do a clean test, but there isn’t a receipt generated for the metapackage (Snow Leopard?).
Sure there is. It's just moved, but you're really supposed to use
pkgutil --forget org.myorg.packageid