that Apple have done away with receipts in Snow Leopard. Instead, each
installed package gets an entry into InstallHistory.plist – this shows the
install date, package name, version, package ID and the process name (ie
Software Update / Installer).
is no a.receiptdb, and no receipts. Looks like checking to see what is
already installed on the system is going to be tricky. Especially when
packages only install files which don’t contain version information.
problem could be that old packages can overwrite new ones, as they do not know
a newer version is present, as there is no receipt for it, and obviously it
knows nothing about InstallHistory.plist. Additionally, most entries in
InstallHistory.plist contain a blank entry for the ‘displayVersion’,
thus making it impossible to use for detecting installed versions anyway.
Apple won’t rely purely on InstallHistory.plist to store all the package
information by the time Snow Leopard is actually released.
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