Hello everyone,
I'm dealing with a problem in our application. Our application attempts to connect to another using OTConnect. Sometimes, as OpenTransport programmers know, OTConnect can fail with a return value of kOTLookErr. According to the documentation, the proper thing to do is to call OTLook on the endpoint and if the result is T_DISCONNECT, the proper thing to do is to call OTRcvDisconnect to clear the disconnection event. This is what we do.
However, it has become apparent that this OTRcvDisconnect is not working. When a T_DISCONNECT is received, and our application tries to clear the event and close the endpoint, the connection stays open according to the Open Files and Ports window of the Activity Viewers tool. And not for 1/3rd of a second, but forever. Eventually, our application runs out of file descriptors and can no longer open other necessary files. This is a big problem for us.
I believe that this is a new problem for us as of at least Mac OS X 10.5.4.
Am I calling OTRcvDisconnect correctly? I believe I must pass in the endpoint that was trying to connect to properly clear the disconnect event. The documentation tells me that I can send NULL or a pointer to a TDiscon call to get the data. The discon.reason is most often 61 (ECONNREFUSED), but once it was 60 (ETIMEDOUT). Both make sense and I should be able to properly disconnect from the other endpoint.
OTRcvDisconnect returns -3221 when I try and call it like so:
fStatus = OTConnect(fConnectionRef, &sndCall, NULL/* &rcvCall*/); if (fStatus != kOTNoError) { OTResult result = 0; if (fStatus == kOTLookErr) { result = ::OTLook(fConnectionRef); if (result == T_LISTEN) { //OTRcvConnect(fConnectionRef, &rcvCall); LOG_INFO("TMacSocket", "Another connection request from another endpoint has interrupted execution of OTConnect.<BR>\n"); } else if (result == T_DISCONNECT) { TDiscon discon; LOG_INFO("TMacSocket", "Received disconnect request.<BR>\n"); char theMessage[256];
OTResult rcvDisconnectResult = ::OTRcvDisconnect(fConnectionRef,/*NULL*/ &discon); // rcvDisconnect is always -3221 == kEINVALErr == invalid argument sprintf(theMessage, "OTRcvDisconnect result: %s.<BR>\n", OTEventCodeError(rcvDisconnectResult)); LOG_INFO("TMacSocket", theMessage);
sprintf(theMessage, "The disconnect reason is: %ld.<BR>\n", discon.reason); // ECONNREFUSED LOG_INFO("TMacSocket", theMessage); } }
if (fStatus != kOTNoError) { OSStatus status = fStatus;
if (status == kOTLookErr) { throw TSocketException("TMacSocket::Connect", OTEventCodeError(result)); } else { throw TSocketException("TMacSocket::Connect", OTError(status)); } } }
Does anyone have any suggestions? I know that OpenTransport is a deprecated system, but I cannot replace it at this point for reasons I cannot go into.
I hope that I am just calling it incorrectly.
Thanks for all and any suggestions, in advance.
Sincerely, Lyndsey Ferguson