On Mar 20, 2012, at 7:25 PM, Steve Sisak wrote: Are you sure that this is the right tool for the job? If the API you're working from is runLoop based, what does this buy you (besides a warm feeling of being "modern")?
I don't want to hijack the internal NSURLConnection thread for my own purposes (not all of which directly involve handling URL requests). More details on that below.
This is as simple as [self detachNewThreadWithSelector:] and in your selector method caching the current thread and runLoop in instance variables, then enter a runloop (preferably with at least one source so it doesn't exit immediately). Then, when ever you want to do something in a synchronized manner, call performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: using your utility thread.
As I said, I've done it before (the RSS reading agent in 10.4 ran its SQLite calls on a background thread) and I found it annoying to implement and subject to bugs. There are lots of little gotchas like, when starting the thread you don't actually have any NSThread* reference until it's had time to call into the selector you're performing, so there's some synchronization involved in simply getting the NSThread instance to call later.
I don't want to do things the new way just to be "modern". I want to because it's best to go with the grain of the frameworks, and GCD seems to be the way that multiprocessing is meant to be done these days. I was just surprised to find out that, even three years later, it's still pretty incomplete.
Also, since NSURLProtocol is a glorified delegate to the URL loading system, I'm not sure that running on its threads poses any problem -- am I missing something?
It's an internal thread managed by CFNetwork that all Apple's URL-loading code runs on. So if my code blocks too long in that thread I can clog up other network activity. And I have no guarantee that this will continue to be a single thread in the future (maybe it turns into a pool), so my code's synchronization might get messed up as a result. And initially I was worried whether terrible things would happen if I *initiated* NSURLConnections from that thread, although that did seem to work fine. I could go on.