Hey Team.
I need to grab the image data from an FxTexture (to set it up in our internal texturing system).
I'm trying to use [FxTexture createData].
Are there limitations as to what I can pass to the function, especially in terms of the withType parameter?
I'd like to retrieve a GL_RGBA/GL_FLOAT combo (4 floats - 16 bytes - per pixel, right?), but I can live with something like GL_RGBA/GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
I've tried GL_RGBA/GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, but it crashed the second time the method was called. I've tried GL_RGBA/GL_FLOAT, but there doesn't seem to be enough data returned.
For GL_RGBA/GL_FLOAT, I'm assuming that the size of the data returned is: [txt width]*[txt height]*4*sizeof(float)
I'm trying these calls within -renderOutput.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Matt Rhodes Zaxwerks, Inc. |