If you take a look at the XML you'll see that each <clipitem> has a <masterclipid>. The 'id' attribute on the <clip> definition of the master clip is referenced on each <clipitem> associated with a particular master clip.
Some aspects of how 'replaceiffound' works are not at all obvious. You will need to do some experiments.
Date: February 17, 2007 10:18:00 AM EST
Subject: XML master/sequence clip relationship in FCP
Dear list
Normally I lurk around the Apple pro-trainers list but I think this issue is one for XML gurus (as I hope I might find here). I have peeked under the FCP/XML hood and suspect it might something to do with the uuid tag that master clips are assigned in an FCP project but this is as far as I have time to go.
Let me set the scene (this is a really common real world scenario; if we could find a solution for this I guarantee it would be massive).
I have a large documentary project being cut in FCP. There are three editors in total working on the film, each with their own sets of identical media. At the beginning of the job, all editors had identical projects with just the ingested media represented by lots of master clips. Each editor creates their own sequences which eventually need to be brought together as a whole in one single project.
Editor A controls the master edit whereas editors B&C are cutting specific scenes which they will then send back to Editor A using XML export/import workflow.
My problem? When Editors B&C send their XML exported sequences back to Editor A, on import into FCP the master clip relationship is broken between the sequence clips - in other words the sequences now contain independent clips. Sure enough FCP can now create a bin of new master clips associated with the new sequence but we need the sequence clips to be affiliated back to the original master clips in the project from whence they came; this minimises media management issues, project size and unnecessary confusion.
(I am aware that once a sequence leaves a project in FCP, the master clip relationship is broken and this is what is causing this issue. Is there any way that an XML doc can be edited in order to search for and then reconnect to existing master clips in the target project, rather than creating a bin of often identical new master clips?
Alexander Snelling
Slack Alice Films