On May 4, 2007, at 9:01 AM, Andreas Kiel wrote:
Why is it impossible to use XML to import a "wav" file?
You can import (for sure) a wave file by the standard "Import" menu. If you export XML for interchange with other places to file goes offline as it is imported as XML even though it is available the correct pathURL. To proof that just export a .wav file as XML and re-import - the file is offline and reconnect will tell you that the reel doesn't match.
It will get even worth when you delete unwanted channels (both from video and audio).
We had two bugs which we have resolved in FCP6, one with some channel mapping issues and one where BWF files would get kicked offline after XML round-trip, due to their timecode not matching the expected timecode. I'm not aware of any general WAV file issues. Can you please send along your media and project or XML file so I can verify that this issue is indeed resolved?
The FCP AE events are nice, but it can take forever to request an XML if you got a big project. Is there an option to get a "level dependent survey" and then let FCP generate the XML portion you want?
We unfortunately don't have that functionality today, but we have written that up as an ECR for the future. Thanks for the suggestion.
Are UUIDs constant - means do the stick with the items in the project even if you are working with a copy, backup or whatever of the project?
The UUIDs are constant on the project, so if the project is duplicated, the same items will have the same uuids. If you have two projects open, and you drag a clip/sequence/bin from one project to another, however, that item in the new location will also have a new uuid.