Hi, I have a bug in our FxPlug in FCP 5.1.4 only, where calls into the
temporal api are causing some kind of exception and execution returns back
to FCP, with no more plugin code being executed. The resulting output is
just transparent black (not seeing an exception caught in the debugger, but
no more breakpoints are hit, stepping through or over the call and execution in
the debugger stops and FCP is "live" again).
I was NOT seeing the bug on one G5, but DID see it on another G5.
Debugged and the problem is this "crash" in in the temporal call.
Darn, how can this be? The "good" G5 has no problems with the exact
setup/code/project/media, etc. Also a bit strange was the "bad" machine
was trying to process progressive, while the "good" machine was (correctly)
processing interlaced. RenderInfo struct was different but the project was
the same.
Comparing the two machines, I see no alternative but to run Software
Update on my "good" G5 to try matching everything on the "bad". Bad idea,
now the "good" machine has the same problem in FCP 5.1.4. Great.
Items installed:
Pro Applications Support (4.0.2)
Xserve Raid Driver update
Apple QMaster update
GarageBand update
Java 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Release
Soundtrack Pro update
Compressor update
Pro Applications update 2007-02 (1.0)
Security Update 2007-009 (PowerPC)
If I was smart, I would have done these one at at time and I'd know which
caused the problem, though I bet it must be part of the Pro App updates (or
maybe Compressor?). For a total stab in the dark, any clues?