Re: How to determine FCP version
Re: How to determine FCP version
- Subject: Re: How to determine FCP version
- From: Bruce Sharpe <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 19:16:38 -0700
Sounds like a robust solution, but apparently the bundle has to exist
before you can call CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier. For future
generations (and for feedback), here is some code that has worked at
least once. :)
- (NSString *) determineFCPVersion {
// Returns the version number of Final Cut Pro in x.y.z format
#define bID ""
Str255 s;
OSStatus status;
NumVersion version;
// Get the URL for FCP
status = LSFindApplicationForInfo (kLSUnknownCreator, CFSTR(bID),
NULL, NULL, &outAppURL);
if (status != noErr) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"Failed
to get CFURLRef for" reason:[NSString stringWithCString:bID]
// Create a bundle for FCP
CFBundleRef bRef = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, outAppURL);
if (!bRef) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"Failed to get
bundle ref for" reason:[NSString stringWithCString:bID] userInfo:nil];
// Get the version info from the bundle
*((UInt32*)&version) = CFBundleGetVersionNumber(bRef);
if ((version.minorAndBugRev & 0x0F) != 0) {
sprintf( (char*)s, "%d.%d.%d", version.majorRev,
version.minorAndBugRev >> 4, version.minorAndBugRev & 0x0F );
else {
sprintf( (char*)s, "%d.%d", version.majorRev, version.minorAndBugRev >> 4 );
return [NSString stringWithCString:(char *)s];
#undef bID
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Darrin Cardani <email@hidden> wrote:
> An easier way is to use CFBundleGetVersionNumber (). You can call CGBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier (CFSTR ("")) to get the CFBundleRef, then call CFBundleGetVersionNumber () with it.
> Darrin
> On Apr 24, 2009, at 11:49 PM, Andreas Kiel wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> How was NAB?
> Here a "stupid but fast" solution from terminal "defaults read /Applications/Final\ Cut\ CFBundleVersion" to get the FCP version
> Regards
> Andreas
> On 25.04.2009, at 08:10, Bruce Sharpe wrote:
> Actually the solution I outlined below is no good: the first time the effects are requested from FCP 6, it takes a loooong time to return from the call, with lots of status messages flashing by.
> So I'm still looking for a solution.
> Bruce
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Bruce Sharpe <email@hidden> wrote:
>> To clarify, I am only interested in distinguishing between version 5 and version 6 or later. So far I am requesting the list of all effects, an event that is not supported by version 5. If the data size of the reply event is 0 I assume the version is 5. If it is greater than 0, then I conclude it is version 6 or later.
>> Just wondering if there is something more straightforward and a little less weird.
>> Bruce
>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Bruce Sharpe <email@hidden> wrote:
>>> Is there a recommended way to determine what version of FCP is running, using Apple Events? I've tried a couple of things but am not satisfied with the speed/reliability.
>>> Bruce
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