Hi all
I posted this on the forums and Jon Chappell kindly redirected me here.
My problem concerns a project in FCPX.
Software: osx 10.7.2 and fcpx 10.0.2
Machine: did on both MBP 2011 and iMac 2009
I exported an fcpxml from my project, and FCPX cannot reimport it...!
I get this error:
The document “Heaven and Hell 1 (fcp12).fcpxml” could not be opened. Element gap content does not follow the DTD, expecting (note? , (audio | video | clip | title | audition | spine)* , marker*), got (clip clip keyword)
Also the xml, when converted to FCP7 (via Xto7) is a total mess (no fault of X27).
Clearly there is a major bug here - any ideas how to fix?
Here is a link to the xml
Many thanks!