I have a few questions. Hopefully they'll be clear.
In the FxPlugin documentation, there are two methods that I'd like to get clarification on; there seems to be something possibly incorrect in documentation.
The method - renderOutput:withInputA:withInputB:withInfo:
...takes a structure with time fraction, even though it's not listed in the method name:
- (BOOL)renderOutput:(FxImage *)output withInputA:(FxImage *)inputImageA withInputB:(FxImage *)inputImageB withTimeFraction:(float)timeFraction withInfo:(FxRenderInfo)renderInfo;
While the method - renderOutput:withInputA:withInputB:withTimeFraction:withInfo
...takes a structure with the time fraction as well.
- (BOOL)renderOutput:(FxImage *)output withInputA:(FxImage *)inputImageA withInputB:(FxImage *)inputImageB withTimeFraction:(float)timeFraction withInfo:(FxRenderInfo)renderInfo;
What is the difference between these two methods? The description for both is "Renders output image from a plug-in."
What brings me to ask this question is that in implementing a Transition, I'm getting a warning of incomplete implementation, with methods that the filter type variants of these required Transition methods aren't being found (instead of the Transition methods, that are actually being called in the code).
The only place I can see to tag it as a Transition protocol is the InfoPlist. Is that correct? Is there anything apparent that would make it not recognize the Transition methods?
I've traced through my code a few times, and it seems as though I'm using all the methods appropriately... at which time I stumbled on the part in the docs I'm mentioning.
I've successfully made a Generator and Filter without problem, but this one is hanging me up. I also note that there's no Xcode example for a Transition, unless I've missed it. If anyone knows of one with a link, feel free to pass it along.
George Toledo