While working on an AU plug-in,
I am trying to notify the AU host (Logic) that a certain parameter scale has changed from continuous to discrete.
Still, this appears not to work.
What I see is that the automation lane remains in a continuous scale even though the plug-in reports a new discrete scale.
Here’s the update notification request:
AudioUnitParameter changedUnit;
changedUnit.mAudioUnit = GetComponentInstance();
changedUnit.mParameterID = kAUParameterListener_AnyParameter;
AUParameterListenerNotify (0, 0, &changedUnit);
When the AU host asks about the updated parameter info, I state it’s a discrete parameter by setting
AudioUnitParameterInfo outParamInf.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed;
outParamInf.maxValue = inContInf.toggleStates - 1;
What could be missing?