Hi There,
since venturing in to what have becoming an ‘art’ of developing FxPlugs for Motion and ultimately Final Cut Pro X we have encountered numerous of strange behaviors. We have all our plugs running GPU-Realtime in PPRO, AfterEffects, Photoshop, Stand Alone etc…. So we aren’t totally new to writing code. We have ‘opted’ to rely on documentation pertaining to FxPlug as it appears to be well written. Only, along with a lot of methods appearing to be ‘up to date’ in the documentation only to be deprecated in the actual headers it makes it hard to make the right choice… which takes me to the issue @ hand….
We’d like to query those for intrinsic reasons… Only this generic little piece of information proves to be more difficult to obtain than implementing an OpenCL Kernel in Premiere Pro capable of rendering 8k Real Time :-).
Per the FxPlug Documentation one should be able to query this one fairly easily as the it Initializes the allocated host capabilities object with the given API Manager.
Whatever we do we get nothing.
Then we proceeded to read the manual carefully thinking we are daft or something… Only to find this highly amusing piece of text… Please take note of the …
The Plug-In should determine the host application using the methods FxHostCapabilities, FxHostCapabilities or FxHostCapabilities…)
All are leading to same link...
From API Reference Typically a plug-in should not call this method. Instead it should use one of the specific feature check methods, if available. If no feature check method is available, the plug-in should determine the host application using the methods FxHostCapabilities , FxHostCapabilities , or FxHostCapabilities .
That is like saying -> Dear Sir, would you like a Coffee, a Coffee or perhaps a Coffee…
We are totally stuck with this issue and in general finding it very hard to extract simple but highly vital information from FxPlug.
Normally, one should be having trouble wiring the hard stuff like churning thru’ half a billion pixels in no time etc etc etc.. Instead we're sitting hours trying to get a simple host id -:)
Please help