Re: Pro-apps-dev Digest, Vol 14, Issue 18 -[FxCustomParameterActionAPI currentFxTime:]
Re: Pro-apps-dev Digest, Vol 14, Issue 18 -[FxCustomParameterActionAPI currentFxTime:]
- Subject: Re: Pro-apps-dev Digest, Vol 14, Issue 18 -[FxCustomParameterActionAPI currentFxTime:]
- From: Darrin Cardani <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2017 10:01:16 -0700
I think this is a notational issue and a little bit of sloppiness on my part.
When writing an Objective-C method name, a colon indicates that’s where a
parameter goes. If you look at our documentation for, say, NSArray, you’ll see
that every method that takes a parameter ends in a colon or has parts of the
name separated by colons.
For example, there’s [-NSArray initWithArray:] and [-NSArray
I was a little sloppy in that I wrote about the FxCustomParameterActionAPI, but
I should have actually written FxCustomParameterActionAPI_v3, which does
contain the -currentFxTime: method. This method takes a pointer to an FxTime
and returns void rather than the older method which simply returns a double
representing the frame number.
Sorry for any confusion I may have caused!
> On Sep 13, 2017, at 6:13 AM, Dieter Becker <email@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Darrin,
> you mention and I quote
>> 1) You can get the current playhead time by using the
>> -[FxCustomParameterActionAPI currentFxTime:] method.
> A) The FxCustomParameterActionAPI does not have a currentFxTime - only a
> currentTime which is very diff. from currentFxTime
> B) Notice the little colon after currentFxTime in your answer. It is missing
> a parameter. The method cannot be called like that. It needs a parameter
> which makes not sense when getting a value from a method
> I wrote another mail regarding this possible bug… Could you please provide a
> workaround, thx
> — Dieter
>> On 19. May 2017, at 21:00, email@hidden
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>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Re: FCPX current playhead and identifying a clip in FxPlug
>> (Darrin Cardani)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 11:15:04 -0700
>> From: Darrin Cardani <email@hidden>
>> To: Daniel Walz <email@hidden>
>> Cc: pro-apps-dev <email@hidden>
>> Subject: Re: FCPX current playhead and identifying a clip in FxPlug
>> Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Daniel,
>> You mention that you are working on an audio generator and that you’ve
>> written an FxGenerator. It’s not clear what you’re trying to accomplish, but
>> FxPlug doesn’t currently support audio reading or writing at all. To answer
>> your questions:
>> 1) You can get the current playhead time by using the
>> -[FxCustomParameterActionAPI currentFxTime:] method.
>> 2) The XML should contain the UUID of your generator. You may have to decode
>> the data before you can get to the UUID, though. I haven’t looked at FCPX
>> XML in a while.
>> 3) You cannot hide the controls of anything other than your own generator.
>> 4) I’ll have to ask about this one.
>> 5) If your generator is not adding images, you shouldn’t be using a
>> generator. That is their sole purpose. Having said that, no, there’s no way
>> to tell that a preview is being rendered vs. a regular render, nor is there
>> a way to tell which preview is being rendered.
>> 6) You can right click next to the parameter’s name to bring up the menu
>> which will allow you to publish the button. It’s a little confusing,
>> unfortunately.
>> Darrin
>>> On May 16, 2017, at 7:51 AM, Daniel Walz <email@hidden> wrote:
>>> Dear fellow developers,
>>> currently I am working on an audio generator plugin. So far I created a
>>> FxGenerator. But I have a few questions:
>>> 1) Is there an API to get the current state of playback, like playing,
>>> playhead and selected clip?
>>> 2) Is there a way to mark a generator clip so I can recognise it in the XML
>>> later on, so I can create a compound clip around the generator and the
>>> generated/ingested audio?
>>> 3) Can I hide the visual controls in the timeline for transform, trim,
>>> distort andCompositing?
>>> 4) When I publish the parameters (addFloatSliderWithName), it will only
>>> show one dimensional keyframes. What do I have to specify to get a 2-D
>>> keyframe (value over time) like e.g. the opacity?
>>> 5) Can I display a pictogram in the thumbnails in the timeline? I want
>>> something like the "Placeholder" clip. Because our generator is not adding
>>> any images, I want to show the user a distinction to video clips (like
>>> displaying a note symbol or alike). Is that possible?
>>> 6) If I add a button using "addPushButtonWithName", it shows up in motion,
>>> but I cannot publish it. Is there a setting I didn't see, or is there a
>>> technical reason not to have a button in FCPX? I wanted it to trigger an
>>> offline render step.
>>> Sorry for that long email, and thanks for all insights,
>>> Daniel
>>> --
>>> Daniel Walz | Software Developer
>>> Filmstro | Music that Moves.
>>> <> | twitter/filmstro
>>> <> | vimeo/filmstro <>
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