We are regularly adding new apps to the shared cart model iPads with which our school is working. We have a variety of folders that we drop those new apps into.
We have prepared and supervised the devices in Configurator (Con) and backup our master machine in Con to create a 'master backup image'.
When we try to restore our backed up 'image' with Con onto the 20 iPads at a time, we experience the following:
The "Restore in Progress" screen shows up on the device for 60 seconds or so.
The "Restore Complete" message appears for 4 seconds or so.
The device shuts down.
It is off for 5 seconds or so.
It then restarts on its own.
The Apple logo appears for 10 seconds or so. However, the progress bar never appears under the apple.
It then shuts off.
It stays off, until
We push the start button on the top.
The Apple logo appears for 10 seconds or so.
The progress bar never appears under the apple.
It then shuts off again.
Again, we push the start button on the top.
The Apple logo appears. After 3 seconds or so the logo brightens and the progress bar appears.
That's when we know it will start normally.
The backed up image has been installed on the iPads.
However, the install profiles step never completed. we know this because the FaceTime camera appears on the home page (it is turned off in one of the five profiles we are attempting to install).
So, we then have to reinstall the profiles from Con in order to get the correct profiles installed.
They will install properly this time.
If we don't push the start button in the window of time Con allows, it shows an error message saying the restore process failed. It fails after the "Restore Complete" but before the profiles are installed.
The problem is that the restore process only happens if we manually touch each of the devices – twice – in whatever window of time Con allows for the restore process to complete. It is better than manually trying to manage the organization on each device,