We will need to manage our Mac population at some point in time, so I'm trying to understand the various issues of doing such.
We have the same issue in the Microsoft Windows world (which I also have to support). We have various products in use at CSU that depend on specific versions of Java. It is a pain. We (and many other entities) normally turn off automatic updates for
various programs (Java, Flash, Quicktime) and manage the updates ourselves (using SCCM or some other tool).
For operatiing system patches and updates, the model that we (and many other entities) follow is to not accept updates directly from Microsoft, but manage our own patching service (WSUS).
It appears that the Apple auto update feature can be disabled. Could not this be done and then use CASPER (or, some other management service) for the required updates and patching after testing has been done?
Or, as is most likely the case, is the amount of time/effort/cost for using a management tool like CASPER just more than most schools can afford?
Or, am I missing some other issue? I assume it is a cost/effort issue. I have to admit, our Mac users (which includes me) normally do just fine without a lot of management effort.
Thanks for any feedback.
Geoff Weatherford
Prototype Testing
IT Services
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences,
Colorado State University
(970) 491-2627
We have the same issues and concerns as everybody else here in Pueblo District 70
Sent from my iPad
On Feb 4, 2013, at 1:59 PM, Cathrine Butler-Olimb <
email@hidden> wrote:
We have the same issues here at Manitou, we use Java for Powerschool (requires 7) and our finance program (requires 6), and right now it's a nightmare. We are also doing the state testing like Kellie and I know Java will be used for that too.
We need a solution very soon