I have found Chris’s suggestion works in my environment. The “fix,” however, makes for a very long boot delay. So I’ve deployed a file of a different name to all my Yosemite machines that will allow the support personnel to quickly resolve failed boots
without imposing the penalty of slow boots across the install base.
I created a script /etc/rc.server_bootfix that contains:
/usr/sbin/BootCacheControl jettison
mv /etc/rc.server /etc/rc.server.bootfix
My instructions to my support team are:
Boot single-user (command-s)
mount –uw /
mv /etc/rc.server_bootfix /etc/rc.server
The machine boots (slowly). Subsequent boots do not run the script, so boot performance is not affected. Users that are in the habit of forcing shutdown can have the last line of the script removed and suffer long boots until 10.10.2 is released.
As for saving files as PDF’s to get around version mismatches in iWork, we long ago concluded that this was not a viable solution for students, particularly in the lower grades. That decision has caused us to scramble with each iOS release, but that’s
why we use Casper Suite to manage our OS X devices.
With 10.10.2 in developer preview, and the observation that AD/force-shutdown does not result in a boot-hang in 10.10.2, I am hopeful the release is just around the corner.
Thank you Don! I am so grateful that you have found this article. I am embarrassed I didn't find it. Thank you for all your help and support Rockies Edu!