All, I wanted to cross post this from the Colorado Distance Learning Association. The group is hosting a webinar on electronic badging on May 22. Staff
from Aurora Public Schools will discuss their program. Thanks, -Dave Kaye
ColoDLA and Colorado Connected Learning Community, register today for the May 22, 2017 Webinar. Please share this email with others!
Electronic Badges - Demonstrate Skills and Competencies…

Sixty minute webinar - May 22, 3-4 PM
The scouts began using merit badges at the turn of the twentieth century to demonstrate exploration and meeting criteria in specific interests. Nearly 100 years later, educators
and organizations are using digital badging to recognize and verify skills and competencies in learners. When thoroughly implemented, these competencies have currency, showcase experience and impact an individual’s standing in the job market, community and
future education. Badges are an incentive, an assessment tool and a cool methodology for promoting competencies. With guidance and investment, you’ll be ready to start badging in a short window.
In this 60 minute webinar, faculty from Aurora Public Schools showcase real and effective badging programs. The session describes a badging system, elements of successful badging,
necessary stakeholders, lessons learned and pitfalls. The session will provide resources to participants for starting and sustaining and evaluating badging.
At conclusion of the webinar, participants should be able to
Define badging and digital badging
Describe frameworks of badging programs
List benefits to stakeholders (community, learners, organizations)
Access resources for building a badge program in your institution
Identify curriculum or skills sets appropriate for badges

About the presenters
Amanda Fuller
the last 10 years Amanda Rose Fuller has been working in the field of education - starting in Tennessee, with a pit stop in Europe and finally landing in the Aurora Public Schools. Last school year she made the move out of the classroom to join the exciting
and innovative Digital Badge team. From planning professional development to coaching teachers to recognize the 21st Century Skill development in their instruction, Amanda is dedicated to helping her district successfully implement the Digital Badge program
to ensure all students are given access to credentials which open doors of opportunity.
Ben Wilkoff
Wilkoff is the Program Director for Personalized Learning in Aurora Public Schools. He led the Personalized Professional Learning efforts in Denver Public Schools. He has taught middle schoolers English. He has managed online communities for Edmodo and been
an Online Learning and Technology Resources Specialist for Douglas County Schools. He was named the Totally Wired Teacher of the year in 2007 by Edutopia and has blogged at Learning is Change since 2004. He is married to his favorite person, and loves his
three children quite a little bit. He is passionate about personalized learning, technology with purpose, and creating at least one new thing every day. In short, he teaches, and learns. A lot.