Re: Newbie form based db auth
Re: Newbie form based db auth
- Subject: Re: Newbie form based db auth
- From: james o <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 11:23:14 -0400
alvaro, here's a simple login page i ripped from the WOMovies example.
there's probably a 1000 ways to skin this cat. good luck.
public class LoginPage extends WOComponent {
public Login loginFound;
public String loginCheck, password;
public boolean incorrect;
public EOEditingContext editingContext;
public EOQualifier qualifier;
public EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec;
public LoginPage(WOContext context) {
editingContext = session().defaultEditingContext();
// if the login is correct we'll send the user to page UserHome
// "startLogin" method is called from your form
// "loginCheck" and "password" are the strings we'll be searching for
in our database
// bind them to your form
public UserHome startLogin()
//if the user hasn't entered any data return incorrect
//on my page i trigger a WOConditional that says something
like, "Sorry, Username and Password Doesn't Match"
if (loginCheck == null || password == null ) {
incorrect = true;
return null;
//run the validateUser method below - you're sending it the
strings, "loginCheck" and "password"
validateUser(loginCheck, password);
//if incorrect = true we're going to return them to the page
the incorrect WOConditional will appear
if ( incorrect ){
return null;
//if !incorrect we've found a match...
//do stuff with your found login object
//it's good - send loginFound to session
//go to the UserHome page now...
UserHome nextPage = (UserHome)pageWithName("UserHome");
//you could do something like nextPage.sendLogin(loginFound);
return nextPage;
public EOEnterpriseObject ValidateUser(String username, String
NSMutableArray args = new NSMutableArray();
EOEditingContext ec=new EOEditingContext();
//create the qualifier with username and password
qualifier = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat
("username = %@ AND password = %@", args);
//search the table "Users" for the username and password
fetchSpec=new EOFetchSpecification("Users", qual, null);
//create an array with the found object...
//there's probably an EOUtility class that you could find an object
//two strings... however, this works.
NSArray im=ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(fs);
//if login found
loginFound = (Login)im.objectAtIndex(0);
incorrect = false;
return selectedLogin;
//NSLog.out.appendln("no matches found ");
incorrect = true;
return null;
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