Re: Using WebObjects
Re: Using WebObjects
- Subject: Re: Using WebObjects
- From: Dev WO <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 13:31:35 +0200
You've helped me a lot pointing me to the PetStore example (in fact
there are some "update cart" problem in it;)), but after reading
quite some documentation, I'm still feeling lost...
So if someone can correct me if I'm wrong:
There are 2 ways to develop WO for web application: DirectToWeb which
uses a special framework that may requires more ressources from the
server, almost code free, but not very personalized. And Web
Application, which requires more Java knowledge as you have to right
quite some code, but completely personalized.
Nope, there's also D2JC (java client).
But I think this is more for delivering application via the network,
not really for a website?
So what I have to do now is a stamp store, on which there won't have
credit card payment right now, if possible, generating a pdf of the
shopping cart, and send it via postal mail with a cheque (later we
should be able to add accounts and credit card payment).
I'm wondering which way to do it: Direct2Web or WebApp...I don't even
know if Direct2Web is intend to do an e-commerce website!
D2web is not very qualified, you're right
I'm reading the article Giorgio mentionned..
As for EOModeler, I understand quite well what it is doing, but I
don't understand how to "include" it in a project. and I don't know
if it's "only" for Direct2Web (or if Direct2Web MUST have an
EOModel), or if you should use it to develop a WebApp.
You need EOF to plug into a database with both. If you create a new
WebApp project the 'wizard' will ask you if you want to add an EOModel
at that moment.
So the EOModel must be made prior to the development under Project
Builder. In fact, the SQl database has to be done prior to PB too?
Here's how I understand it:
-Create the EOModel of your business
-Filling the database (Do I have to do it with EOModeler, or should I
use another program like YourSQL??)
-Launching Project Builder, choosing a Web Application, importing the
EOModel and all my HTML files and images, etc
-Try to link all this ;)
You could also kill step 2 and use D2web to quickly have access to
your db data. You shouldn't import HTML files per se.
But If I'm using D2W, I may not be able to do what I want easily, as
it's not really intend to e-commerce website?
In fact I'm not really "importing" my HTML files, I'm just copy and
past the code I need inside PB, then make the modification like dynamic
images, etc)
Is EOModeler an important part, or is it easier for a beginner to
start without it?
EOModeler is a very important par to do that.
Ok, so let's go with EOModeler, I've already ridden the pdf about it,
I'll see if it's OK when I'll be using it;) more questions to come!
Now for my project, there should be a browser detector (IE or a real
standard browser) to determine a stylesheet to use (I don't know if a
WebApp can use an external stylesheet or if the code must be written
in the HTML page). If this is too hard (linking an external
stylesheet), I can double the page, then make a php redirection just
when user enter the site...but I'd rather like to make all this in >> WO.
There's been a discussion on browser detection with project Wonder's
ERXBrowser class just this morning.
I've seen the discussion, but it was pretty much "too much programming
talks" for me;) Where can I find the class to use? is it include in WO?
Regarding CSS, I usually have a WOPage containing all the basic
interface and this method:
public String pathForCSS(){
WOResourceManager rm = application().resourceManager();
return rm.urlForResourceNamed("my.css", null,
Add a browser context in there, and you'll be ok.
The css file as to be in "WebServer Ressources"?
If you could be a little more precise, it would be very nice, it's
really been a long time since I did programming (and it was in C).
Then when you choose which stamp to order, I'd like a part of the
page to be updated with the order, so the user can have a look at it
while doing his shopping. Then when he's done, he reviews his
shopping cart, can update quantities, then click order, got his pdf
(and we got the copy of it by email).
Have a shopping cart component that takes an array as an argument
(array of stamps chosen)
if NSMutableArray.count()==0 Component produces nothing
otherwise, add a worepetition taking the array as a source aStamp as
iterator and print etc in your component.
Your array should be a method and property of the Session.
I'll try to put that on paper to make it more clear for me...
Or should I do it with php to be on time and take some more time to
develop it in WO.... :(
Don't do it in PHP (trash in, trash out) The time you'll win doing it
in PHP will be lost when time comes to update or change page design.
It's pretty easy to do a couple things (like changing the pointer still
depending on the browser: this stupid IE or a real browser) or to
select a css file. But I'd like to use WO now, not really easy to start
with;) I'll try to do it with WO, but I have a really short time to do
it (in fact I tried alone, but it's really hard)... just a question,
how long it would take to make this site, and how much $ or would you
like to help me on it (pretty much teaching me WO while doing it!)
thanks for reading through all of this, and thanks for your valuable
help an comments. I hope I'll be able to help the other soon.
Have fun!
It's hard, but I have fun;) thanks Cyril and Giorgio
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