Re: Cross-Platform CoreData
Re: Cross-Platform CoreData
- Subject: Re: Cross-Platform CoreData
- From: Pierre Frisch <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 22:03:27 -0700
I was at WWDC and because of the NDA we cannot comment on Core Data.
As for EOF and WO the message was clear, Apple need WO for its internal
operation as one VP did put it all orders taken by Apple from the web
are handled by WO i.e. Apple Store and iTunes Music store. This is a
very significant portion of Apple revenue and there is no way Apple is
going to stop WO. However there was a misconception that WO needed
little work and that the community was satisfied with the current
status. I think that the use of WO in the outside world is largely
underestimated. I believe that both legends have been put to rest. We
communicated a significant list of improvement and for usage just look
at google. If you do a search in google for all the url that contain
the word WebObjects there are 2.4M some are duplicate but Google do not
index URLs that are more than 120 characters so there is also under
counting. This is a significant number of web site especially
considering that if you search for WebObjects.dll you only get 400k
i.e. the vast majority of WO application are deployed on Unix and most
likely on MacOS. This is a significant number of customers for Apple
and we just reminded the decision maker of that fact.
We should stop talking of WO dooms day and concentrate on making clear
what we, Apple customer, want from the product and how our usage of WO
contribute to Apple bottom line. This is the best way to enhance that
wonderful product.
Pierre Frisch
sPearWay Ltd.
sPearCat Web Catalogs,
Custom designed in-house
with the click of a mouse.
On Jul 6, 2004, at 20:16, Chuck Hill wrote:
> EO as in EOF is NOT GONE. It is part of WO, always has been and
> (probably) always will be. CoreData is not relevant to WO (AFAIK, I
> was not there)
> Chuck
> On Jul 6, 2004, at 8:02 PM, Lotsa Cabo wrote:
>> On Jul 6, 2004, at 10:48 PM, Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch wrote:
>>> ObjC EOF has been dead since WO5 (and arguably 4.5). Java EOF is in
>>> maintaince mode. So I don't think Apple *is* killing anything.
>> So, then what was all of the unofficial commentary from the WWDC '04
>> attendees "announcing" that EO is gone?
>> R/S
>> Ryan
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