RE: [ANN] ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1FROM A WHERE ...)
RE: [ANN] ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1FROM A WHERE ...)
- Subject: RE: [ANN] ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1FROM A WHERE ...)
- From: <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:52:50 +0200
- Thread-topic: [ANN] ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1FROM A WHERE ...)
You might want to make sure you've got the latest version of ExistsInRelationshipQualifier and QualifierUtilities as available on my web site.
I am a bit surprised by the SQL you are seeing. The code generated by ExistsInRelationshipQualifier always starts with "SELECT 1 FROM". That part is hard-coded. Or did you accidentliy mix up the 2 SQL instructions quoted in your email.
Could you give me more details on your model. E.g. what are the entities and their relationship. What I understood so far is:
Person <----------------->> BESVART_SKJEMA <<----------------------------------> Sporreundersokelse
<- personerBesvart
What are the primary keys of those entities? Are there flattened relationships?
What are you trying to achive? Are you trying to find every instance of Sporreundersokelse which has a relationship to Person 1638 ?
You would be aiming for:
SELECT * from Sporreundersokelse t0
That's exactly what you would get with my understanding of the situation. If you don't we'll have to step through the code of ExistsInRelationshipQualifierSupport.sqlStringForSQLExpression().
P.S.: Please refrain from using you PGP.sig when replying. The company mail filter thinks its a script or worm and chokes.
-----Original Message-----
From: webobjects-dev-bounces+pierre.bernard=email@hidden
Behalf Of Kaj Hejer
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:07 PM
To: Pierre Bernard
Cc: WebObjects Development
Subject: Re: [ANN] ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT
Thank you again for helping me with this issue!
I think I may have found a possible bug in
ExistsInRelationshipQualifier when using it with
ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification instead of in-memory filtering. When
running in-memory filtering I get the result I expect. When using
ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification I don't get the expected results.
I have been looking at the sql and it seems that when generating sql is
does not have the correct subquery for the SELECT inside the EXISTS
I get the following where part of my sql:
but the correct one is
(t0 is here SPORREUND which is the entity beeing search for)
I make the qualifier by the following code:
args = new NSArray(new Object[] { person.getPersonID() });
EOQualifier sporreundersokelseQual =
"personID = %@", args);
EOQualifier existsQual = new
The search is done against the entity Sporreundersokelse (table is
The to-many relationships is between the tables Sporreundersokelse and
Person where BESVART_SKJEMA is the linkingtable.
On 28. feb. 2005 you sendt me an enhanced version of
QualifierGenerationSupport with the dependancy on QualifierUtilities.
Can there be something strange is this enhanced version? I copied this
file to
I'm on WO5.2.3.
-Kaj :)
On 19. apr 2005, at 14.30, Kaj Hejer wrote:
> Hi!
> Nope, I didn't! After added these lines
> ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification works just fine with
> ExistsInRelationshipQualifier.
> Thank you for helping me with this issue!
> -Kaj :)
> On 19. apr 2005, at 09.20, <email@hidden> wrote:
>> Kaj,
>> did you register the support class like so:
>> EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.setSupportForClass(
>> new ExistsInRelationshipQualifierSupport(),
>> ExistsInRelationshipQualifier.class);
>> The best place to do this would be in a framework's principal class or
>> your application's main method.
>> Pierre
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kaj Hejer [mailto:email@hidden]
>> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 10:28 PM
>> To: Pierre Bernard
>> Cc: email@hidden
>> Subject: Re: [ANN] ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: WHERE EXISTS
>> (SELECT 1
>> FROM A WHERE ...)
>> Hi!
>> Thank you for ExistsInRelationshipQualifier and the other usefull
>> qualifiers you have published!
>> I use the ExistsInRelationshipQualifier in
>> EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier and this works just perfect :)
>> Just now I for the first time tried to use a
>> ExistsInRelationshipQualifier in a ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification
>> and
>> now I get:
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Qualifier (personerBesvart
>> ((personID = 1638)) (class ExistsInRelationshipQualifier (does not
>> implement EOQualifierSQLGeneration
>> Can it be something wrong I do? Any ideas? The same qulifier works
>> just
>> fine for in-memory filtering.
>> I'm seeing this with WO5.2.3 on osx 10.3.8 and Oracle 9.2.
>> The full stacktrace is as follows:
>> 2005-04-18 22:15:21 CEST] <WorkerThread1>
>> <com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentRequestHandler>:
>> Exception occurred while handling request:
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Qualifier (personerBesvart
>> ((personID = 1638)) (class ExistsInRelationshipQualifier (does not
>> implement EOQualifierSQLGeneration
>> [2005-04-18 22:15:21 CEST] <WorkerThread1>
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Qualifier (personerBesvart
>> ((personID = 1638)) (class ExistsInRelationshipQualifier (does not
>> implement EOQualifierSQLGeneration
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration$Support._schemaBasedQ >> ua
>> lifierWithRootEntity(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration$_NotQualifierSupport. >> sc
>> hemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration$Support._schemaBasedQ >> ua
>> lifierWithRootEntity(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration$_OrQualifierSupport.s >> ch
>> emaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration$Support._schemaBasedQ >> ua
>> lifierWithRootEntity(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseChannel.selectObjectsWithFetchSpecif >> ic
>> ation(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext._objectsWithFetchSpecificati >> on
>> EditingContext(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext.objectsWithFetchSpecificatio >> n(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator.objectsWithFetchSpec >> if
>> ication(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext.objectsWithFetchSpecificatio >> n(
>> at
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext.objectsWithFetchSpecificatio >> n(
>> -Kaj :)
>> On 28. feb 2005, at 09.22, <email@hidden> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> An enhanced version of QualifierGenerationSupport with the dependancy
>>> on QualifierUtilities removed looks like below.
>>> Pierre Bernard
>>> package my.access;
>>> import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
>>> import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
>>> import java.util.StringTokenizer;
>>> import java.util.WeakHashMap;
>>> import org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.Match;
>>> import org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.RegularExpression;
>>> import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptor;
>>> import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute;
>>> import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity;
>>> import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOJoin;
>>> import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration;
>>> import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship;
>>> import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import my.control.Qualifier;
>>> /** Support methods for SQL generation
>>> *
>>> * @author bernard
>>> */
>>> public abstract class QualifierGenerationSupport extends
>>> EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support
>>> {
>>> // Protected class variables
>>> protected static WeakHashMap prefixesByExpression;
>>> protected static String[] prefixes;
>>> protected static WeakReference[] locks;
>>> // Static initializer
>>> static {
>>> char start = 'A', end = 'Z';
>>> int count = end - start;
>>> int offset = 0;
>>> QualifierGenerationSupport.prefixes = new String[count];
>>> for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
>>> {
>>> char prefix = (char) (start + i);
>>> if (prefix == 'T')
>>> {
>>> offset += 1;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> QualifierGenerationSupport.prefixes[i] =
>> new
>>> Character(prefix).toString();
>>> }
>>> }
>>> QualifierGenerationSupport.locks = new
>> WeakReference[count - offset];
>>> QualifierGenerationSupport.prefixesByExpression = new
>>> WeakHashMap(count - offset);
>>> }
>>> // Protected instance methods
>>> protected EOAttribute attributeForPath(EOEntity entity, String
>>> keyPath)
>>> {
>>> if (keyPath != null)
>>> {
>>> StringTokenizer tokenizer =
>>> new StringTokenizer(keyPath,
>>> NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.KeyPathSeparator);
>>> EORelationship relationship = null;
>>> while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
>>> {
>>> String key = tokenizer.nextToken();
>>> if (tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
>>> {
>>> relationship =
>> entity.anyRelationshipNamed(key);
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> return
>> entity.anyAttributeNamed(key);
>>> }
>>> if (relationship != null)
>>> {
>>> entity =
>> relationship.destinationEntity();
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> protected EORelationship relationshipForPath(EOEntity entity,
>> String
>>> keyPath)
>>> {
>>> if (keyPath != null)
>>> {
>>> StringTokenizer tokenizer =
>>> new StringTokenizer(keyPath,
>>> NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.KeyPathSeparator);
>>> EORelationship relationship = null;
>>> while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
>>> {
>>> String key = tokenizer.nextToken();
>>> relationship =
>> entity.anyRelationshipNamed(key);
>>> if (relationship != null)
>>> {
>>> entity =
>> relationship.destinationEntity();
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return relationship;
>>> }
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> protected String optimizeQualifierKeyPath(
>>> EOEntity entity,
>>> String keyPath,
>>> String attributeName)
>>> {
>>> if ((keyPath == null) || (keyPath.length() == 0))
>>> {
>>> return attributeName;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> EORelationship relationship =
>>> (entity == null) ? null :
>> relationshipForPath(entity, keyPath);
>>> if (relationship != null)
>>> {
>>> NSArray joins = relationship.joins();
>>> int joinCount = (joins == null) ? 0 :
>> joins.count();
>>> for (int i = joinCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
>>> {
>>> EOJoin join = (EOJoin)
>> joins.objectAtIndex(i);
>>> if
>> (join.destinationAttribute().name().equals(attributeName))
>>> {
>>> String newPath =
>> Qualifier.allButLastPathComponent(keyPath);
>>> String newAttributeName
>> = join.sourceAttribute().name();
>>> return
>> optimizeQualifierKeyPath(entity, newPath,
>>> newAttributeName);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return (keyPath + Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR +
>> attributeName);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> protected String translateKeyAcrossRelationshipPath(
>>> String keyPath,
>>> String relationshipPath,
>>> EOEntity entity)
>>> {
>>> String flattenedKeyPath =
>> flattenRelationshipPath(keyPath, entity);
>>> String flattenedRelationshipPath =
>>> flattenRelationshipPath(relationshipPath, entity);
>>> String translationPath = flattenedRelationshipPath +
>>> if (flattenedKeyPath.startsWith(translationPath))
>>> {
>>> String translatedKeyPath =
>>> flattenedKeyPath.substring(translationPath.length());
>>> EOEntity destinationEntity =
>>> relationshipForPath(entity,
>>> flattenedRelationshipPath).destinationEntity();
>>> return optimizeQualifierKeyPath(
>>> destinationEntity,
>> Qualifier.allButLastPathComponent(translatedKeyPath),
>> Qualifier.lastPathComponent(translatedKeyPath));
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> StringTokenizer tokenizer =
>>> new
>> StringTokenizer(flattenedRelationshipPath,
>>> Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR);
>>> EOEntity tmpEntity = entity;
>>> StringBuffer invertedRelationshipPath = new
>>> StringBuffer(flattenedKeyPath.length());
>>> while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
>>> {
>>> String relationshipName =
>> tokenizer.nextToken();
>>> EORelationship relationship =
>>> tmpEntity.anyRelationshipNamed(relationshipName);
>>> try
>>> {
>>> if
>> (invertedRelationshipPath.length() > 0)
>>> {
>> invertedRelationshipPath.insert(0,
>>> }
>>> invertedRelationshipPath.insert(
>>> 0,
>> relationship.anyInverseRelationship().name());
>>> }
>>> catch (Exception exception)
>>> {
>>> throw new
>> NSForwardException(exception);
>>> }
>>> tmpEntity =
>> relationship.destinationEntity();
>>> }
>>> if
>> (flattenedKeyPath.indexOf(Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR) >=
>>> 0)
>>> {
>> invertedRelationshipPath.append(Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
>>> invertedRelationshipPath.append(
>> Qualifier.allButLastPathComponent(flattenedKeyPath));
>>> }
>>> return optimizeQualifierKeyPath(
>>> tmpEntity,
>>> invertedRelationshipPath.toString(),
>> Qualifier.lastPathComponent(flattenedKeyPath));
>>> }
>>> }
>>> protected String flattenRelationshipPath(String path, EOEntity
>> entity)
>>> {
>>> if (path.indexOf(Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR) >=
>> 0)
>>> {
>>> String relationshipPath = null;
>>> StringTokenizer tokenizer = new
>> StringTokenizer(path,
>>> Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR);
>>> while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
>>> {
>>> String relationshipName =
>> tokenizer.nextToken();
>>> EORelationship relationship =
>>> entity.anyRelationshipNamed(relationshipName);
>>> if (relationship == null)
>>> {
>>> if
>> (!tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
>>> {
>>> return relationshipPath
>> + Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR +
>>> relationshipName;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> throw new
>> IllegalArgumentException(
>>> "No relationship
>> '"
>>> +
>> relationshipName
>>> + "' was
>> found in entity '"
>>> +
>>> + "'
>> while evaluating relationship path '"
>>> + path);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> String element;
>>> if (relationship.isFlattened())
>>> {
>>> element =
>> relationship.relationshipPath();
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> element =
>>> }
>>> if (relationshipPath != null)
>>> {
>>> relationshipPath =
>>> relationshipPath
>> + Qualifier.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR + element;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> relationshipPath =
>> element;
>>> }
>>> entity =
>> relationship.destinationEntity();
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return relationshipPath;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> EORelationship relationship =
>> entity.anyRelationshipNamed(path);
>>> if (relationship == null)
>>> {
>>> return path;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> if (relationship.isFlattened())
>>> {
>>> return
>> relationship.relationshipPath();
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> return;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> protected NSMutableDictionary
>> replaceTableAliasesInExpressionBuffer(
>>> StringBuffer buffer,
>>> EOSQLExpression expression)
>>> {
>>> NSMutableDictionary aliasesByRelationshipPath =
>>> expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath();
>>> NSArray subExpressionAliases =
>> aliasesByRelationshipPath.allKeys();
>>> int aliasCount = subExpressionAliases.count();
>>> for (int i = 0; i < aliasCount; i++)
>>> {
>>> String relationshipPath = (String)
>>> subExpressionAliases.objectAtIndex(i);
>>> String alias = (String)
>>> aliasesByRelationshipPath.objectForKey(relationshipPath);
>>> String newAlias =
>> aliasPrefixForExpression(expression) + i;
>>> RegularExpression regExp = new
>> RegularExpression("[ ,(]" + alias +
>>> "[ ,\\,,.]");
>>> int start = 0;
>>> Match match = new Match();
>>> String currentString;
>>> while (regExp
>>> .matches(currentString =
>> buffer.toString(), start,
>>> currentString.length(), match))
>>> {
>>> start = match.getBeginning(0) + 1;
>>> buffer.replace(start, match.getEnd(0) -
>> 1, newAlias);
>>> }
>> aliasesByRelationshipPath.setObjectForKey(newAlias,
>>> relationshipPath);
>>> }
>>> return aliasesByRelationshipPath;
>>> }
>>> protected EOSQLExpression expressionForEntity(EOEntity entity)
>>> {
>>> try
>>> {
>>> Class expressionClass =
>>> ((EOAdaptor)
>>> EOAdaptor.adaptorWithModel(entity.model())).expressionClass();
>>> Constructor constructor =
>>> expressionClass.getConstructor(new
>> Class[] { EOEntity.class });
>>> EOSQLExpression expression =
>>> (EOSQLExpression)
>> constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { entity });
>>> return expression;
>>> }
>>> catch (Exception exception)
>>> {
>>> throw new NSForwardException(exception);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> // Protected class methods
>>> protected static synchronized String
>>> aliasPrefixForExpression(EOSQLExpression expression)
>>> {
>>> String prefix = (String)
>>> QualifierGenerationSupport.prefixesByExpression.get(expression);
>>> if (prefix == null)
>>> {
>>> prefix = assignPrefixToExpression(expression);
>>> if (prefix == null)
>>> {
>>> System.gc();
>>> prefix =
>> assignPrefixToExpression(expression);
>>> }
>>> if (prefix == null)
>>> {
>>> throw new RuntimeException(
>>> "The number of available alias
>> prefixes was exceeded. "
>>> + "Fix me if you
>> please");
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return prefix;
>>> }
>>> // Private class methods
>>> private static synchronized String
>>> assignPrefixToExpression(EOSQLExpression expression)
>>> {
>>> int count = QualifierGenerationSupport.locks.length;
>>> int availableIndex = 0;
>>> while (availableIndex < count)
>>> {
>>> WeakReference lock =
>>> QualifierGenerationSupport.locks[availableIndex];
>>> if ((lock == null) || (lock.get() == null))
>>> {
>> QualifierGenerationSupport.locks[availableIndex] = null;
>>> break;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> availableIndex++;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> if (availableIndex < count)
>>> {
>>> String prefix =
>> QualifierGenerationSupport.prefixes[availableIndex];
>>> QualifierGenerationSupport.locks[availableIndex]
>> = new
>>> WeakReference(expression);
>> QualifierGenerationSupport.prefixesByExpression.put(expression,
>>> prefix);
>>> return prefix;
>>> }
>>> else
>>> {
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Kaj Hejer [mailto:email@hidden]
>>> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 1:33 PM
>>> To: Pierre Bernard
>>> Cc: email@hidden
>>> Subject: Re: [ANN] ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: WHERE EXISTS
>>> 1
>>> FROM A WHERE ...)
>>> On 17. jan 2005, at 10.22, <email@hidden> wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I have added a new code snipped to my web page.
>>>> ExistsInRelationshipQualifier: Qualifier to check for the presence
>>>> of
>>>> objects
>>>> matching a given qualifier in a to-many relationship. May be
>>>> combined
>>>> with an
>>>> EONotQualifier to insure the absence of matching objects.
>>>> It is available for download on my web page:
>>>> P.S.: This code relies on the "Support methods for custom
>>>> qualifiers"
>>>> code snippet which is also available from my web page.
>>> Hi!
>>> Thank you for this and the other codesnippets you have on your
>> webpage!
>>> I have downloaded
>>> <url:>
>>> and
>>> <url:> but
>>> still QualifierGenerationSupport is complaining it can't find
>>> QualifierUtilities in the following code:
>>> protected EOAttribute attributeForPath(EOEntity entity, String
>>> keyPath)
>>> {
>>> return QualifierUtilities.attributeForPath(entity,
>> keyPath);
>>> }
>>> protected EORelationship relationshipForPath(EOEntity entity,
>> String
>>> keyPath)
>>> {
>>> return QualifierUtilities.relationshipForPath(entity,
>> keyPath);
>>> }
>>> Any hints? :)
>>> TIA!
>>> -Kaj :)
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