On Aug 11, 2005, at 10:21 AM, Jerome Chan wrote:
1. I would like to implement some form of security on my app. On some forms only User Type A can access. On other forms User Type B. I am currently checking the User Type when the form is submitted but that requires me to call my security check method once manually. Is there a way to automatically check this? I was looking at the api for WOApplication and pageWithName(). Would this be the correct spot to implement this?
There are many ways to do this, but Session is probably your best bet for a start. The session tends to be most directly associated with a given user and can be easily made explicitly so with login.
2. What documents should I look at for information on validating all the fields being entered into a component? Currently, I'm doing it by hand but this is very time consuming.
WO and EOF have an incredible array of validation mechanisms. Here are some notes you might find helpful:
EOF Validation
User interface:
prevent/discourage user from entering inappropriate data
Only accepts data with valid format
type coercion
bad type raises exception
simple validation
raises exception and ignores value
must be different from current value or not assigned
WOComponent's validationFailedWithException(Throwable t, Object value, String keyPath)
Called when an Enterprise Object or formatter failed validation during an assignment.
The default implementation ignores the error.
Subclassers can override to resolve the error.
attribute constraints
checks for:
allows null
string length
numeric precision
relationship integrity
checks these before going to DB
relationship integrity constraints
for both to-one & to-many
delete rule
if source deleted, then what
ownership, owned object is:
deleted if relationship broken
created if relationship added
delete rules (if user tries to delete relationship source):
cascade - delete all destination objects too
nullify - nullify back references
deny - prohibit delete if there are destination objects
nothing - delete and ignore destination objects
property-level (or key-level) validation
called when a value changes
default methods in superclass check model based constraints
can be overridden for custom validation
called BEFORE EO's properties have changed
validation methods throw exception on failure
validateValueForKey("weight") triggers:
public <type> validateWeight(Object newWeight) throws
NSValidation.ValidationException {
object-level validation
called when saving insert/delete/update changes
public void validateForInsert()
throws NSValidation.ValidationException
public void validateForUpdate()
throws NSValidation.ValidationException
public void validateForDelete()
throws NSValidation.ValidationException
all above in superclass by default call:
public void validateForSave()
throws NSValidation.ValidationException
super's implementation calls key-level validation
called AFTER EO's properties have changed
validation performed when:
form values are pushed into EO attributes through bindings
saving changes in the editing context
called programmatically
3. Is there a way I can print only the contents of one component of a multi-component page from the browser?
No, not easily. The components all contribute to a single HTTP response which is all the browser sees. You can format things to make the output from separate components more visible and select from the browser accordingly.
4. How do you do you automate functional testing on webobjects?
Google on WOUnitTest.