I searched the archives but found nothing helpful. Thanks in advance for your help.
Simple problem....
Registration Screen as all the usual suspects, names, address, etc..This object is called newPerson and is represented by an EOModeler Entity called "People" that has several One To One and One To Many relationships defined. For example, People.Addresses is a One To Many relationship between person_Id (PK) to person_Id in the Addresses table which has a Compound PK of address_Id and person_id. The Addresses entity has a one-2-one between Addresses.state_id and the States entity which has a PK of state_id.
I got the one - 2 many working ok between the People table and Adresses, but can't seem to get the 1-2-1 between state_id and States.state_id to work.
The app compiles and verifies ok, but I get this error message when I run the app and click on the "Register" link to load the "registration.wo" component: Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException Reason: <com.webobjects.woextensions.WOToOneRelationship sourceObject binding required. sourceObject value is nil or missing>
I have a variable defined named aState, which is of type States. I drag the WOOneToRelation. Element to WO Builder and set the relationshipKey to "states" (the name of the relationship defined between Address and States), the sourceEntityObject to "Addresses", and the sourceObject to aState,
I've also tried created the aState variable as People, and binding its value to Person.Addresses.state_id, but to no avail..... I've also tried binding the DataSource property of the aState Variable to States.
I know it's something simple I'm just not groking...
Is this enough info? Thank you again.
Sam |