Hi Guys,
Sorry but my mail digest is out of sync and could not reply to Chuck's suggestions on this topic in the original message. So I am summarizing the message and status on this thread.
Chuck advised to :
1) Use force the use of localhost (instead of the Rendezvous/Bonjour notation) in the wotaskd Properties file.
I included the line at the bottom of the Properties file.
Result: wotaskd restarted cleanly and appears fine.
Chuck also suggested that
2) I add WOHost=localhost to my TestApp.woa.
I added the same line to the Properties file of my simple Hello World TestApp
WODirectConnectEnabled=false WOAutoOpenInBrowser=false WOPort=55555 WOHost=localhost
Adaptor Config as sent to Local WOAdaptors - All Running Applications and Instances
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?> <adaptor> <application name="TestApp"> <instance id="-55555" port="55555" host="localhost"/> </application> </adaptor>
I still get "The requested application was not found on this server."
Finally, Chuck mentioned
I did this again in the Properties file of my TestApp
WODirectConnectEnabled=false WOAutoOpenInBrowser=false WOPort=55555 WOHost=localhost
Result: I built and ran the TestApp application from XCode and still got the same effect.
Here is the Run Log.
[Session started at 2005-11-10 10:28:09 -0500.] Reading MacOSClassPath.txt ... Launching TestApp.woa ... java -XX:NewSize=2m -Xmx64m -Xms32m -DWORootDirectory="/System" -DWOLocalRootDirectory="" -DWOUserDirectory="/Users/kbull/TestApp/build" -DWOEnvClassPath="" -DWOApplicationClass=Application -DWOPlatform=MacOS -Dcom.webobjects.pid=22778 -classpath WOBootstrap.jar com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap appRoot is /Users/kbull/TestApp/build/TestApp.woa/Contents Loading /Users/kbull/TestApp/build/TestApp.woa/Contents/MacOS/MacOSClassPath.txt Generated classpath: /Users/kbull/TestApp/build/TestApp.woa/Contents/Resources/Java/testapp.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaFoundation.framework/Resources/Java/javafoundation.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaEOControl.framework/Resources/Java/javaeocontrol.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaEOAccess.framework/Resources/Java/javaeoaccess.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaWebObjects.framework/Resources/Java/javawebobjects.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaWOExtensions.framework/Resources/Java/JavaWOExtensions.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaXML.framework/Resources/Java/javaxml.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaJDBCAdaptor.framework/Resources/Java/javajdbcadaptor.jar /Users/kbull/Library/Java /Library/Java/ /System/Library/Java/ /Network/Library/Java /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Classes/classes.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Classes/ui.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/avalon-framework-4.1.2.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/axis-ant.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/axis.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/commons-discovery.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/commons-lang-2.1.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/commons-logging.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/jaxrpc.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/log4j-1.2.4.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/logkit-1.0.1.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/saaj.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/servlet.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/wsdl4j.jar /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/ [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOMaxIOBufferSize=8196 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMin=16 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOSocketMonitorSleepTime=50 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WODirectConnectEnabled=false [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOIncludeCommentsInResponse=false [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCount=8 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOHost=localhost [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOPlatform=MacOS [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WODebuggingEnabled=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOEnvClassPath= [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOListenQueueSize=128 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOMissingResourceSearchEnabled=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOSessionStoreClassName=WOServerSessionStore [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOContextClassName=WOContext [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOCachingEnabled=false [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOApplicationClass=Application [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAcceptMalformedCookies=false [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> NSProjectSearchPath=("..") [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOMonitorEnabled=false [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAllowRapidTurnaround=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WORootDirectory=/System [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOLocalRootDirectory= [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOGenerateWSDL=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMax=256 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=false [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAdaptor=WODefaultAdaptor [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOSessionTimeOut=3600 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOMaxSocketIdleTime=180000 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WODefaultUndoStackLimit=10 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAutoOpenClientApplication=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAutoOpenInBrowser=false [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOApplicationBaseURL=/WebObjects [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOMaxHeaders=200 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOLifebeatEnabled=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAllowsCacheControlHeader=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOSMTPHost=smtp [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOFrameworksBaseURL=/WebObjects/Frameworks [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOAdditionalAdaptors=() [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOLifebeatDestinationPort=1085 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOPort=55555 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOLifebeatInterval=30 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOSocketCacheSize=100 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WOUserDirectory=/Users/kbull/TestApp/build [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> WODisplayExceptionPages=true [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> com.webobjects.pid = 22778 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> ------------------------ [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> Created adaptor of class WODefaultAdaptor on port 55555 and address localhost/ with WOWorkerThread minimum of 16 and maximum of 256 [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> NSBundle is unable to find "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the main bundle. Ignoring optional configuration file. [2005-11-10 10:28:14 EST] <main> Application project found: Will locate resources in '' rather than '/Users/kbull/TestApp/build/TestApp.woa' . [2005-11-10 10:28:13 EST] <main> *** The application has found the following opened, development-mode Xcode projects: (<com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOProjectBundle: projectName='TestApp'; bundlePath='/Users/kbull/TestApp/build/TestApp.woa'; projectPath=''>) [2005-11-10 10:28:14 EST] <main> Creating LifebeatThread now with: TestApp 55555 localhost/ 1085 30000 Welcome to TestApp! [2005-11-10 10:28:14 EST] <main> The URL for webserver connect is: [2005-11-10 10:28:14 EST] <main> null
Note that Chuck mentioned to added these as -WOHost, -WOAdaptorURL to the launch arguments and I added them to the Properties page (without the leading '-'). I also tried them as launch arguments and still has the same effect.
The only things I can think of is around the time of WWDC, I installed Xcode 2.1 and WO 5.3. Seeing the number of bugs that I was encountering, I needed to downgrade back to Xcode 2.0 and WO 5.2.4. I have not had any WO 5.2.4 issues since (except the normal WOBuilder/EOModeler crashing at least once an hour :-)). I am ready to reinstall Tiger and a new Xcode 2.0 and WO 5.2.4 environment if this is what is will take.
Thanks for the help,