Hi David!
Thanks for your input. I really appreciate your advice!
David LeBer wrote:
My head hurts.
I wrote out a great long-winded email about flattened attributes and
relationships an setter and getter method names. But I think I need to
stop now.
This is what I think you are trying to do. You are trying to take
arrays of objects and reduce their values to comma separated strings
for some reason. Why? I don't know.
Yes, I am trying to take arrays of objects and reduce their values
to comma separated strings. This is for a client request to provide
an editable text field where values of objects (email contacts,
specifically) are displayed for an end user to add new e-mail addresses
(Strings) to
send out broadcast messages.
I have something like this on an Email Contacts HTML page (four
editable text fields):
- From: (session.currentUser
- To:
(server.getEmailContacts WOTextField)
- Subject: (subject
- Body: (htmlMsg WOTextField)
I am NOT trying to save the server.getEmailContacts text
field to the database in this EmailContacts HTML page. I am merely
trying to
provide the end user with the functionality to append any
additional strings/email addresses to the server.getEmailContacts
For example, in my To: field, I will have something like
To: "email@hidden, email@hidden" (server.getEmailContacts
Now, an endUser will mosey along and say, 'Why, I'd like to add email@hidden to the e-mail
contacts values'. In the WOTextField, endUser
will add, "email@hiddenm" to "email@hidden, email@hidden". However, when I
click on my "sendMail" submit button, "email@hidden"
is not appended to the getEmailContacts string, and
poor "email@hidden" doesn't receive any e-mail notifications,
unbeknownst to endUser.
I do not know why this is not working properly... (I've replaced
my mess of code with Chuck's elegant solution already too).
If you are receiving an array of objects and you need to display their
values separated by commas then use a WORepetition and have it build
the presentation for you. That's what it's there for (and you write no
Yes! I am using a WORepetition already to display values of
objects that are NOT separated by commas. To clarify, there is no
need for any comma separated
strings of my values to go back to my database again. The comma
separated strings are only used for the EmailContacts HTML page. I
have a ViewServerDetail
HTML page that contains two WORepetitions, with various string
values of objects pulled from the database. Instead of something like
I have two WORepetitions with the following bindings:
Repetition1: WORepetition{
TextField1: WOTextField{
TextField2: WOTextField{
Hypothetically, the values within these WOTextFields should also
save properly with saveChanges() to the database. However, changes to
these text fields
are not being updated, but only for one of the two WORepetitions
(which are identical aside from the fact that one is filtered by
Conditionals for billing Contacts,
while the other is filtered by Conditionals for administrative
contacts). Specifically, Billing Contact edits are being saved, but
AdministrativeContacts are not,
although they are using the same WORepetition and textField values.
In addition, other TextFields (which also do not contain any comma
separated values) that return object values are not saving to the
database. These are also
based on flattened relationships.
More specifically, I have something like this:
public String getSerial(){
NSArray pc=(NSArray)storedValueForKey("toDevice");
java.util.Enumeration e=pc.objectEnumerator();
String serials="";
while (e.hasMoreElements()){
Device dev=(Device)e.nextElement();
if (dev.serialNum()!=null){
return serials;
and in my binding, I have:
TextField3: WOTextField{
value=server.getSerial; /*
--------------------------------THIS WON'T SAVE :(
However, if I re-write TextField3 in the following manner the value
will save correctly:
TextField3: WOTextField{
value=server.toDevice.serialNum /* -------------------------------- THIS WILL SAVE!
The reason why I opted not to retrieve the serialNum values in this
manner is because the WOTextField will return with an infinite number
of parentheses and
quotes (something like this) upon each incremental save:
which would appear somewhat dizzying and undesirable for endUsers
to peer at.
Am I missing something trivial? Am I overlooking things and
barraging too much messy code on my project? I am sorry I am baffling
people with my wayward
means of implementation... but I really appreciate any help and
Thank you very much for your time and attention to this important
Kindest regards,
I think this is a really lousy idea. For you to be able to go from a
string back to your array of serverContracts (and then to their
contact.fullNames) you will need to guarantee that the order of the
serverContracts array has not changed. I cannot do that, can you?
Really. You should try to keep objects as objects for as long as
possible, when you reduce them to something flat you lose their
identity and then it become really hard to return.
David LeBer
"I am codeferous!"
Codeferous Software
site: http://www.codeferous.com
blog: http://david.codeferous.com