Hi Chuck,
What you said was about what I'd figured, but here's the result from the SQL tab when I do (queuespots.hasShipped) = true
Error - could not generate valid SQL. Exception reason: sqlStringForKeyComparisonQualifier:: attempt to generate SQL for EOKeyComparisonQualifier 0x1356ba80 '(queuespots.hasShipped = true)' failed because attribute identified by key 'true' was not reachable from from entity 'Customer'
What would some typical direct values for the database be? I'm currently using OpenBase, but that may end up switching to MySQL. Also, if I do need to put it into code, it belongs in the Customer class, correct? Thanks.
On Apr 21, 2006, at 7:51 PM, Chuck Hill wrote: Hi Dan,
On Apr 21, 2006, at 4:28 PM, Daniel DeCovnick wrote:
I'm trying to create a fetch specification in EOModeler, where it returns all the objects where a particular boolean value therein is true. I've got a "Customer" entity, with a to-many to a "QueueSpot" entity. I want to create a fetch specification "shipping history" on Customer where the qualifier is something like queuespots.hasShipped == true. Am I going about this the right way in the first place, and if so, how do I get it to work? Thanks.
At least once upon a time :-) this did _not_ work. Guido says it worked for him so maybe it is fixed now. It might also work in the app but not in EOModeler. You will have to experiment. If it works, the correct qualifier would be queuespots.hasShipped = true
Note the single equals. EOF should convert true into the correct value for the database. If it does not, try specifying the value directly.
If that does not work out, you will need to use an extension to the qualifiers that come with EOF. I don't know how (or if) you can add these to EOModeler. I've only used them in code. A collection of good ones can be found here: http://homepage.mac.com/i_love_my/code.html