Hi WOFriends,
I'm pretty far along on a Firebird EOModeler plugin. It appears to be outputting all the right sql statements for a synchronization. But I have a problem.
I need it to commit after a table is created and probably also after a table is dropped. If I just tell EOModeler to execute, it will fail at points where it can't "see" the table it created previously. When I cut and paste the synchronization code into a sql client and execute it there, I get the same thing. When I add commit statements by hand and execute it on the sql client, it works famously.
Any tips on how to best implement this is appreciated.
If this helps, there is an NSArray of SQL expressions generated by this method in the API:
If anyone knows where this called, and how I could override things to just simply do a commit after each _expression_, I believe that would be a quick and dirty way to get this to work.
Any and all ideas appreciated.
Thanks in advance,