I've started a complete new project with just WOLips in an attempt to learn the lifecycle of WebObjects in this brave new world.
My first project was a simple dating site (aren't they all making money?) but while I can successfully create new records in the database, I can't read them!
Here is my java code to read a user from the database:
NSLog.allowDebugLoggingForGroups(0x10000L); LoveUser user = (LoveUser) EOUtilities.objectMatchingKeyAndValue(ec, "LoveUser", "login", loginUser); NSLog.refuseDebugLoggingForGroups(0x10000L);
The debugging shows: [2006-08-28 08:55:11 MDT] <WorkerThread0> Using JDBCPlugIn 'com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn' for JDBCAdaptor@6183957 [2006-08-28 08:55:11 MDT] <WorkerThread0> connecting with dictionary: {plugin = ""; username = "wolove"; driver = ""; password = "<password deleted for log>"; URL = ""; } [2006-08-28 08:55:11 MDT] <WorkerThread0> === Begin Internal Transaction [2006-08-28 08:55:11 MDT] <WorkerThread0> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn$OracleExpression: "SELECT t0.ADMIN, t0.DOB, t0.EMAIL_ADDRESS, t0.LOGIN, t0.PASSWORD, t0.SEX, t0.USER_OID, t0.ZIPCODE FROM LOVEUSER t0 WHERE t0.LOGIN = ?" withBindings: 1:"treddy"(login)> [2006-08-28 08:55:11 MDT] <WorkerThread0> 0 row(s) processed
However, in sqlplus: SQL> SELECT t0.ADMIN, t0.DOB, t0.EMAIL_ADDRESS, t0.LOGIN, t0.PASSWORD, t0.SEX, t0.USER_OID, t0.ZIPCODE FROM LOVEUSER t0 WHERE t0.LOGIN = 'treddy';
ADMIN DOB EMAIL_ADDRESS LOGIN ----- --------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- PASSWORD SE USER_OID ZIPCODE -------------------------------------------------- -- ---------- ---------- abc123 MF 1 80211
I know the objectMatchingKeyAndValue worked for me before.. just can't figure out what is going on here.
Thanks, Tarun |