Dear List,
We get an error message when WO generates a weird SQL query:
SELECT t0."address_Additional", t0."address_City", t0."address_City3C", t0."address_Country", t0."address_Line1", t0."modify_date", t0."modify_user_id", t0."office_id" FROM "Client" t0, "Branch_Client" T1, "Branch" T2 WHERE (t0."office_id" = 1000004 AND T2."branch_id" like 1000002) AND t0."client_id" = T1."client_id" AND T1."branch_id" = T2."branch_id"
Results in:
"Next exception:SQL State:00 subclass = " -- error code: 208 -- msg: Semantic error 208. _expression_ in LIKE is not of type CHARACTER."
Replacing the "like" with an "=" fixes the problem. However, this SQL query is generated by WO, and needs to remain generated by WO. Our code supplies two ANDed EOKeyValueQualifiers, one of them holds the "QualifierOperatorContains" over a flattened M:N relationship; the other one is just a regular QualifierOperatorEqual.
Question: Who is to blame: us, the Frontbase plugin, or WebObjects? ... and how to fix this?
Thank you for you help.
With Kind Regards,
Dennis Gaastra, M.B.A.[], B.Sc.[] Chief Technology Officer,
WEBAPPZ Systems, Inc. HQ: (+1) 604.921.1333 Fax: (+1) 604.921.4313 Cell: (+1) 604.787.2532
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