I need a good example of how to search my EOModeled database using relationships. Both of the books I have purchased have remarkably little to say on the subject. Here are the entities and their relevant attributes. . .
Relationship: Sellers (to Many)
(PK) seller_id
(FK) seller_company_id
Relationship: Company (to One)
My code successfully gets a Company object from the database (referred to as import_Company below). It also retrieves a String called source_code to compare with the Seller object's seller_code to help narrow the search.
What I want is essentially an object from Seller where (seller_company_id == import_Company.company_id) and (seller_code == source_code)
I have looked high and low for an example of the "WebObjects Way" to do this. Most all of the specific EOQualifier and FetchSpec examples are about following a relationship to some value employee.department.name etc. I was good and did NOT include Primary or Foreign Keys accessors in my Java Class files.
I could do NSArray SellerArray = (NSArray)import_Company.Sellers(); and then search each array element for the source_code == seller_code match I'm looking for, but there must be a better way. I have tried to adapt some of the examples I managed to find, but naming conventions were not good enough to help me figure out if they were passing relationships or something else. I have tried filteredArrayWithQualifier and objectMatchingValues with no success.
Thanks for bailing out the newbie,