I'm trying to call a stored procedure in my database using the EOUtilities.executeStoredProcedure method but it seems that when EO creates the SQL it creates extraneous {} around the SQL call.
I'm using WO 5.3, Openbase 9.0
Here is the Java code
NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary(aPerson.valueForKey("principalid"), new String("principalid")); try { NSDictionary results = EOUtilities.executeStoredProcedureNamed(ec, "setPrimaryToFalse", dict); } catch(com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptorException e) { NSLog.out.appendln("Procedure Failed"); }
Here is the SQL code
//THREAD_0x424e20:157932975.355600:2006-01-02 12:16:15 -1000 { call SET_PRIMARY_TO_FALSE ('Jon')} go
Does anybody know if I'm doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance