I've a old app that Japanese localization is needed
recently in addition to (the already working)English and Chinese localization
features. For some attributes, say firstName in Entity Person, I have
to add localization (sub)attributes such as firstName_CN, and firstName_JP
for first name in Chinese and Japanese languages. Everything worked very well
before Japanese is added:
Japanese first name string can be set at EO level
ok. but after saveChanges(), the Person table's jp_first_name column
get only junk of form '______'. Consequently, the eo fetched from the database has all '____' kind of
values where Japanese text supposed to appear.
This may not be an issue to WO5.3 (I'm not sure.
Someone can tell me) but My old app is still 4.5.1 on win2k/MySQL. This is
strange enough since I don't have problem for Chinese and even Japanese string
web appearance and file I/O has no problem! So the only issues are related to
database and communications between EOF and database.
Any clue on this? I need to identify the problem
(1) that version of EOF not fixable?
(2) database column string encoding
(3) some special treatment at EOF level just for