Hello; The code was created by Web objects by using Add | New File from the popup (right click menu) then selecting new display group component. I have tried to access agentDisplayGroup from within constructor, appendtoresult, an custom public functions.
// Generated by the WebObjects Assistant Sun Jul 09 20:32:32 US/Eastern 2006 import com.webobjects.foundation.*; import com.webobjects.appserver.*; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.*; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.*; import com.webobjects.examples.utilities.*;
public class agentDisplay extends WOComponent {
/** @TypeInfo Agent */ protected EOEnterpriseObject agent; // This WODisplayGroup is initialized from the .woo archive in the component's constructor method protected WODisplayGroup agentDisplayGroup; public String errorMessage; public Person selectedPerson; public String sOrderBy; public Agent newAgent; public NSArray PersonList; public Person aPerson; public WeaponAssignment agentWeapon; public String searchAgent; public String searchSerial; protected String orgListing; public Organization anOrganization;
public agentDisplay(WOContext context) { super(context); }
public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { WXDebug.println(25,"**appendToResponse(): Entered"); this.agentDisplayGroup.queryMatch.agent_person.surname = "Agent Name"; //results in cannot resolve symbol this.agentDisplayGroup.queryMatch.agent_weapons.serial = "Serial"; // results in cannot resolve symbol super.appendToResponse(response,context); WXDebug.println(25,"**appendToResponse(): Done"); } }
On Jul 11, 2006, at 1:08 PM, Travis Cripps wrote: Don,
Hi. Can you share some of the code? Normally there would be no reason you shouldn't be able to access it.