Hello All;
Sorry, my last message came through as html markup. I made this
one plain text. Sorry for filling up your email boxes. I am
using WO 5.3 on Tiger with an Oracle 10G database. I am
able to render a listing of people with two checkboxes (the fields
in the database are numeric for these checkboxes) The fields are
named trainer and custodian.
Everything renders correctly, puling the correct data etc. However
if I check any of the boxes then press my save button (which is a
submit) (WORepetition and Submit are inside a form). It does not
appear any changes are being saved.
I have included the source from page as well as the java source,
eo model class, and table structure.
Please help, I am sure it is something small that is causing the
error. Thanks, Don
Java source:
import com.webobjects.foundation.*;
import com.webobjects.appserver.*;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.*;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.*;
import com.webobjects.security.*;
import com.webobjects.examples.utilities.*;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
public class agents extends AbstractSubComponent {
/** @TypeInfo Agent */
public NSMutableArray AgentList;
public Agent anAgent;
public agents(WOContext context) {
public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext
context) {
EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec = null;
EOEditingContext ec = null;
ec = session().defaultEditingContext();
fetchSpec = new EOFetchSpecification("Agent",null,null);
NSArray tempT = ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(fetchSpec);
AgentList = new NSMutableArray(tempT);
WXDebug.println(7, "AgentList:"+AgentList.count());
} catch(Exception e){
WXDebug.println(1, "e:"+e);
} finally{
public WOComponent saveAgent()
EOEditingContext ec = null;
ec = session().defaultEditingContext();
WXDebug.println(1, "Agents.java:saveAgent()");
} catch( Exception e) {
WXDebug.println(1, "An Error Occurred in Agents.java:SaveAgent()
} finally {
return null;
Page source:
<webobject name="pgAgents"><webobject name="Form1"><webobject
name="tableList"><table cellspacing="0" border="0"
cellpadding="0"><THEAD><tr><td align="right" style="text-
align:right;" colspan="6"><b># of Agents: <webobject
name="String2"></webobject> <webobject
THEAD><TFOOT><tr><th width="200">Agent Name</th><th
width="50">Trainer</th><th width="70">Custodian</th><th
width="150">Assigned Weapons</th><th width="100">Offices</th></
tr></TFOOT></table><div id="Yikes"><table cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" border="0"><webobject name="Repetition1"><tr><td
align="left" width="200" valign="bottom"> <webobject
name="String1"></webobject></td><td align="center"
width="50"><webobject name="CheckBox1"></webobject></td><td
align="center" width="70"><webobject name="CheckBox2"></
webobject></td><td width="150"></td><td width="100"></td></tr></
Page parameters:
CheckBox1: WOCheckBox {
checked = anAgent.isTrainer;
CheckBox2: WOCheckBox {
checked = anAgent.isCustodian;
Form1: WOForm {
multipleSubmit = false;
Repetition1: WORepetition {
item = anAgent;
list = AgentList;
String1: WOString {
value = anAgent.agent_person.fullNameReverse;
String2: WOString {
value = AgentList.@count;
SubmitButton1: WOSubmitButton {
action = saveAgent;
value = "Save";
class = "systemButton";
disabled = false;
pgAgents: PageWrapper {
title = "here";
tableList: tableoutline {
tableHeight = "500";
Agents EO class:
// Agent.java
// Created on Thu Jun 01 09:28:38 US/Eastern 2006 by Apple
EOModeler Version 5.2
import com.webobjects.foundation.*;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.*;
import com.webobjects.examples.utilities.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
public class Agent extends EOGenericRecord {
public Agent() {
// If you implement the following constructor EOF will use it to
// create your objects, otherwise it will use the default
// constructor. For maximum performance, you should only
// implement this constructor if you depend on the arguments.
public Agent(EOEditingContext context, EOClassDescription
classDesc, EOGlobalID gid) {
super(context, classDesc, gid);
// If you add instance variables to store property values you
// should add empty implementions of the Serialization methods
// to avoid unnecessary overhead (the properties will be
// serialized for you in the superclass).
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws
java.io.IOException {
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws
java.io.IOException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException {
public Number person_identifier() {
return (Number)storedValueForKey("person_identifier");
public void setPerson_identifier(Number value) {
takeStoredValueForKey(value, "person_identifier");
public Number Trainer() {
return (Number)storedValueForKey("trainer");
public void setTrainer(Number value) {
takeStoredValueForKey(value, "trainer");
public Number Custodian() {
return (Number)storedValueForKey("custodian");
public void setCustodian(Number value) {
takeStoredValueForKey(value, "custodian");
public boolean isCustodian() {
try {
return (((Number)storedValueForKey("custodian")).intValue()==1);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public void setIsCustodian(boolean bValue) {
WXDebug.println(1, "Custodian Set :"+(bValue?"1":"0"));
takeStoredValueForKey((bValue?"1":"0"), "custodian");
public boolean isTrainer() {
try {
return (((Number)storedValueForKey("trainer")).intValue()==1);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public void setIsTrainer(boolean bValue) {
WXDebug.println(1, "Trainer Set :"+(bValue?"1":"0"));
takeStoredValueForKey((bValue?"1":"0"), "trainer");
public Person agent_person() {
return (Person)storedValueForKey("agent_person");
public void setAgent_person(Person value) {
takeStoredValueForKey(value, "agent_person");
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